3 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 7 Island 2 Gix's Command 2 Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor 3 Birthday Escape 7 Swamp 2 Combat Research 2 Call of the Ring 3 Chrome Host Seedshark 4 Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch 1 Wicked Slumber 1 Astral Wingspan 1 Riddlemaster Sphinx 2 Tolarian Terror 2 Ayara's Oathsworn 3 Candy Grapple 3 Deep-Cavern Bat 3 Darkslick Shores 4 Dismal Backwater 1 Contaminated Aquifer 3 Uchbenbak, the Great Mistake 3 Rona's Vortex 3 Unsummon 4 Tranquil Cove 1 Restless Bivouac 2 Sacred Peaks 3 Shadowfax, Lord of Horses 3 Shock