1 Kiora, the Rising Tide 2 Mischievous Mystic 2 Cephalid Inkmage 1 Aetherize 1 Lightshell Duo 3 Refute 1 Balmor, Battlemage Captain 2 Thrill of Possibility 1 Fanatical Firebrand 1 Swiftwater Cliffs 2 Burst Lightning 1 Think Twice 1 Mocking Sprite 1 Faebloom Trick 1 Sphinx of Forgotten Lore 2 Tolarian Terror 1 Fleeting Distraction 1 Sure Strike 9 Island 6 Mountain 1 Helpful Hunter 1 Lightshell Duo 1 Fanatical Firebrand 1 Think Twice 1 Courageous Goblin 1 Dismal Backwater 2 Spitfire Lagac 1 Aegis Turtle 1 Goblin Surprise 1 Bigfin Bouncer 1 Elementalist Adept 1 Inspiration from Beyond 1 Slagstorm 1 Uncharted Voyage