3 Bloodthirsty Conqueror 8 Swamp 2 Elenda, Saint of Dusk 6 Plains 2 Vengeful Bloodwitch 2 Authority of the Consuls 2 Ruin-Lurker Bat 3 Zoraline, Cosmos Caller 4 Starscape Cleric 4 Deep-Cavern Bat 2 Case of the Uneaten Feast 2 Day of Judgment 3 Bitter Triumph 3 Cut Down 2 Sheltered by Ghosts 2 Concealed Courtyard 1 Caves of Koilos 1 Restless Fortress 3 Enduring Tenacity 2 Cavern of Souls 2 Joust Through 1 Elspeth's Smite 2 Mortify 2 Nowhere to Run 1 Feed the Swarm 1 Withering Torment 1 Raise the Past