4 Optimistic Scavenger 3 Island 9 Plains 3 Temple of Enlightenment 3 Lightwheel Enhancements 4 Ethereal Armor 4 Sheltered by Ghosts 4 Get Lost 4 Dollmaker's Shop 2 Grand Entryway 4 Gremlin Tamer 4 Shardmage's Rescue 3 Caretaker's Talent 2 Floodfarm Verge 2 Hushwood Verge 2 Botanical Sanctum 2 Captivating Crossroads 2 Valgavoth's Lair 2 Pollen-Shield Hare 3 Into the Flood Maw 2 Wingbright Thief 2 Stormkeld Curator 1 Inquisitive Glimmer 2 Authority of the Consuls