Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (36) | |||
$0.20€0.080.03 | |||
$0.36€0.180.03 | |||
$0.75€0.550.02 | ||
$0.20€0.110.03 | |||
$1.02€0.590.02 | |||
$0.24€0.120.03 | |||
$0.55€0.420.02 | |||
$0.19€0.070.03 | |||
$0.20€0.110.03 | ||
$0.32€0.210.04 | |||
$0.15€0.030.03 | |||
Creature (8) | |||
$0.99€0.410.02 | |||
$0.96€0.630.03 | |||
Land (20) | |||
$0.76€0.120.03 | ||
$0.15€0.040.03 | |||
$1.00€0.770.02 | |||
$1.55€0.070.04 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsAre you frustrated with playing the same explore package again and again in Golgari Mid-range?? Tired of spending 45 minutes pressing space to pass priority while your opponent draws his entire deck, creates 1000 tokens, and does 10 billion damage to your face while kicking your dog?
Then do I have the deck for you!
Made for all you Jank lovers out there; I present the Prolific Jank-Kin!
Jank-kin cares not for turn timers, good sportsmanship and common decency, Jank-Kin entire existence is built on a shitty combo that you will usually draw you dead, lose the board and often outright lose the game!
The basic combo is built on two degenerate cards that should not exist in unison with each other;
Our boy Runaway Steam-kin
and a new challenger
The idea is simple. Cast cheap red spells that draw you MORE cheap red spells, cycle through your deck, while gaining mana in the process. Then you hit Banefire with X mana and blow them up in the face.
Everytime you cast a red spell with Steam-kin, you get a +1+1 counter. Everytime you cast a non-creature spell with Flux challenger, you proliferate, putting a +1+1 counter on each permenants you control. When you combine these two, you can cast a bunch of cheap red spells to put a whole heap of +1+1 counters on steam-kin and create a cascading effect that gains you more mana the more spells you cast.
Like all proper jank, the combo is convoluted, difficult to set-up, and often makes the opponent or pilot concede in frustration trying to resolve the same two abilities 100+ times. There is no glory without sacrifice however, and sacrifices must be made with this deck. Either your sanity and patience, or your opponent's. Either one works.
Notes on playing;
There have been only a few times that I've managed to cycle through my entire deck and Banefire for 21+ mana, so often you'll have to close out the game earlier with a massive steam-kin or zombie army token and Crash through.
You don't want to play too many of the 1 mana draw reds, or discard them early. It can be tempting to cycle early and often, they are often are much more valuable with the dynamic duo on board and allows you to cycle much more effeciently or are more valuable as discard fodder for Tormenting voice, Pirate's Pillage or Honor the God-Pharoh.
You want to go wide on the FLux Channelers, rather than the Steam-kin. More proliferate = More net mana. With two channelers you can get three counters on steam-kin with one red spell. Although throwing in more steam-kins into the mix never hurts, it's more important to have two Flux Channelers.
The basic combo can be done with only one of each, but is far more effecient and likely if you have two channelers.
The hardest, most difficult part of this jank, is the choice of whether or not you continue to keep cycling with a steam-kin on board. Steam-kin only gets a +1+1 counter if it has less than three, so you'll often want to dump out the mana at four +1+1 counters before you cast a red spell to get an extra +1+1 counter, in effect, more mana.
However, if you draw a bunch of lands, say goodbye to that mana pool as it gets dumped out during each turn phase.
I hope you enjoy the deck, as I absolutely have, and please leave a comment and let me know what you think of the deck.
26 | 12 | 12 | 2 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |
Glad you got off and enjoyed it mate!
"And sadly vs the current meta of mono blue, RDW and Controls this combo is even harder to get. :("
I feel the pain. Stay strong brother.
"Also, i wonder why you are using Izzet Guildgate x4 and not x4 Steam Vents?"
Because I keep spending my rare and mythic rare wildcards on cards like {{Apex of Power}} and {{Fbthlp, the Lost}} XD
i mean lets be honest this deck will never get a high %win percentage but it's really awesome and works. Thanks for sharing.
And sadly vs the current meta of mono blue, RDW and Controls this combo is even harder to get. :(
Also, i wonder why you are using Izzet Guildgate x4 and not x4 Steam Vents?