Arena Standard - Golgari Aggro 1.2

  • Deck contains 7 invalid cards for this format: Glowspore Shaman (GRN), Charnel Troll (GRN), Overgrown Tomb (GRN), Pelt Collector (GRN), Kraul Harpooner (GRN), Knight of the Ebon Legion (M20), Rotting Regisaur (M20)
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (32)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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V1.2: Some small changes. I removed Vivien, Arkbow Rangerimages since it was just too hard on the manabase and with the reductuion in food decks adding trample to the Rotting Regisaurimage just wasn't as important. This allowed me to try out swapping the Temple of Maladyimages for Fabled Passageimages to try to minimize the amount of taplands in the deck when you need to topdeck that last land for the Questing Beastimage you've been holding or whatever. The 2 viviens were changed into an extra Murderous Riderimage since it's extremely helpful in removing their one big blocker or problematic planeswalker. And I added another questing beast, since it's questing beast. The new theros set seems like it's adding a few awesome additions to the deck, so we may be able to keep this deck relevant in the new meta. We'll see =)


V1.1: Removed Gutterbonesimage for the full 4 copies of Pelt Collectorimage and Knight of the Ebon Legionimage. They are too valuable aggressively and can trade off well to fuel the charnel troll, while the recursion of the Gutterbonesimage to maintain parity with the Rotting Regisaurimages wasn't too necessary anyway since you usually just dump your hand by that point. Also removed 2 Temple of Maladyimage to see if the manabase would hold up while having fewer taplands. Also Also removed the 3 copies of Lovestruck Beastimage for 3 Murderous Riderimages since there only being the 1/1'a they made for themselves wasn't enough and some light interaction usually ends up being very useful to push through your final attack for lethal.


Gameplay of the Deck in action

I put this deck together on a whim to see if there was a way to push the amount of enablers for The Great Hengeimage while sticking to a more consistence manabase so you can actually play your cards (I tried sultai to do stuff with Vantress Gargoyleimage and it was just a nightmare lol).
The deck turned out to be far more effective than I had anticipated it being. I'm currently 12-1 in BO1 against a wide variety of matchups (jeskai fires, jund food, mono green, gruul agggro, golgari adventures, Simic Flash, grixis control, jeskai control, mono red I think are what I played against), so I wanted to share it with you guys in case someone else could benefit from it and also to get feedback to tweak what I'm sure is some very sub-optimal deckbuilding choices of mine ;)


Here's my thoughts about the deck so far:
1 Pelt Collectorimage can get MASSIVE since just about every creature in the deck can grow it, sometimes up to like +7/7 depending on how many Charnel Trollimages and Rotting Regisaurimages you have to trade off. 2 All your 2 drops allow you to hold up your Knight of the Ebon Legionimage activation in case of a stomp or something, but they all have 3 power so you can still get the counter on the knight without having to activate in the face of open mana
3 Rotting Regisaurimage, Lovestruck Beastimage, and Charnel Trollimage can let you get henge down super easily
4 Vivien allows all your Fatties to close the game super quickly against jund food decks and other ones like it where there would ordinarily be a lot of chump blockers
5 Most of the removal being played right now (except Murderous Riderimage) is damaged based (Deafening Clarionimage, Slaying Fireimage, Mayhem Devilimage, etc.) Which puts your fatties in a pretty effective position, except for the occasional game against UW control and other nonsesne.
6 Gutterbonesimage often works nicely with regisaur to allow you to find your 4th land drop when you're waiting on a vivien in your hand.
7 Surprisingly, the combination of Rotting Regisaur discarding creatures and one Glowspore Shamanimage is usually enough to fuel any Charnel Trollimages you need to play
8 The manabase probably needs work

I would love to hear you guys' thoughts! =)

About Eugi_The_Midrange_Mage

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@Eugi_TheMidrange_Mage i love my username
This was made more for BO1 grinding at this point, but I'll see if I can add one as I continue testing the deck. Already made a few more changes that could adjust things like that. Also... Dat Username @fatcunt XD
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Last Updated: 02 Jan 2020
Created: 24 Dec 2019
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