Historic - 5 Color - Shrine of the Hungry Terror

TCGPlayer $168
Cardmarket €144
Cardhoarder 8 Tix
Main 65 cards (23 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Creature (12)
Land (29)
Side 1 cards (1 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Some of the gameplay: 





Historic            5 Colors

Win condition: opponent concedes when they realize whats just happened

omg whys there so many terrors. thats not cool

very easy. shrines. just the ones that focus on doing damage to opponent. and of course blue for draw. green for mana and creature tokens. some more token enchantments. all focused on making terror of the peaks really become a terror. if you can keep him in play things get ugly for them fast. especially if they arent killing off the shrines. can normally afford to be attacked for a few turns. usually not hard to stop them from attacking. weak to heavy removal. lots of fun. just deals lots of damage to opponents face. which is kinda the goal right. 


turn play:

1. triome


2.  basic land  if:                              Paradise Druid -- Black sanctum--Ominous Sea               

    Gateway or another triome if:       None of those three cards in hand


3.   Land   -   Cultivate  -- Blue Sanctum  -- Green Sanctum -- red Honden or sanctum -- any of the cards from turn 2 that hasnt been casted


4.  Sigil of the empty throne (especially if still holding other shrines or enchantments) 

- Green Honden - sigil of the empty throne - brash taunter ( will usually stop opponent from attacking wiht big things. 

- Terror of the peaks (can save him for when you have the Grn honden in play. is better to play terror with quasiduplicate an immediate cast after terror.  - 

should be getting 2-4 damage off the top plus life gain. 

drawing around 4 cards discard 1 

ability to any target around 3 damage for free or at the cost of discarding a land or duplicate shrine card

3 ish mana of one color

ominous sea almost ready to create its first token 8/8

2-3 tokens 1/1 per turn

 everything after this point is just starting to kill off thier creatures. or worse case having trouble stopping a good bit of creatures from attacking and killing you, if not then ur golden. a board wipe might hurt but you can recover immediately. or they are killing off your shrines. which can be bad if not stopping the attacck or dont have the blue sanctum in play with a few other shrines. if you dont have terror in hand or quasidupkicate. brash can win you the game too. save the mana to use his ability right before its your tunr again. so he can block and attack the face. 

just build ur mana. get as many shrines on the field as possible. then start multiplying terror

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I concur with gwikers; this deck is no fun 90% of the time. I find the biggest issue is the lack of protection. I may try to modify this in the future to be a more viable competitive candidate, but until I do so—or anyone else does—stay away.
I don't recommend crafting for this, the deck loses by turn 5 90% of the time. Too slow, no removal, no sweepers, no protection, too little ramp, in no way an aggro deck. It was fun the 2 times it got a combo off, but gets destroyed by any mono color or ramp deck. In the end, just too fair for being competitive in Historic.
Last Updated: 25 Sep 2020
Created: 25 Sep 2020
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