Historic - Divine Afterlife [RNA]

TCGPlayer $180
Cardmarket €124
Cardhoarder 2 Tix
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (4 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Optimal curve:

Turn 1: Tapped Land.
Turn 2: Tithe Takerimage
Turn 3: Ministrant of Obligationimage
Turn 4: Teysa Karlovimage
Turn 5: Divine Visitationimage
Turn 6: Tithe Takerimage THEN Kaya's Wrathimage

You have now cleared the opponents board of all creatures and gained x8 4/4 white Angel tokens with Flying and Vigilance. (Like so: https://i.imgur.com/PFjM75t.jpg)

If you add Hunted Witnessimage your curve could look like this:

Turn 1: Hunted Witnessimage.
Turn 2: Preferably Tithe Takerimage but either Orzhov Enforcerimage or Imperious Oligarchimage is fine as well.
Turn 3: Ministrant of Obligationimage or BOTH Hunted Witnessimage and Tithe Takerimage, Orzhov Enforcerimage or Imperious Oligarchimage.
Turn 4: Teysa Karlovimage.
Turn 5: Divine Visitationimage.
Turn 6: Either Tithe Takerimage, Orzhov Enforcerimage, Imperious Oligarchimage or x2 Hunted Witnessimage THEN Kaya's Wrathimage.

You have now cleared the opponents board of all creatures and gained at least x10 4/4 white Angel tokens with Flying and Vigilance.

If you add Hunted Witnessimage & Open the Gravesimage your curve could look like this:

Turns 1-5 are the same as above.
Turn 6: Open the Gravesimage + Hunted Witnessimage.
Turn 7: Ministrant of Obligationimage or BOTH Hunted Witnessimage and Tithe Takerimage, Orzhov Enforcerimage or Imperious Oligarchimage THEN Kaya's Wrathimage.

You have now cleared the opponents board of all creatures and gained at least x26 4/4 white Angel tokens with Flying and Vigilance.

If you add Hunted Witnessimage, Pitiless Plundererimage & Revel in Richesimage your curve could look like this:

Turn 1: Hunted Witnessimage
Turn 2: Tithe Takerimage
Turn 3: Ministrant of Obligationimage
Turn 4: Either Teysa Karlovimage or Pitiless Plundererimage
Turn 5: Revel in Richesimage
Turn 6: Tithe Takerimage THEN Kaya's Wrathimage

If you played Teysa Karlovimage turn 4, you should have as many Treasure tokens as the amount of creatures the opponent lost, doubled. If you played Pitiless Plundererimage turn 4, you should have x4 Treasure tokens, plus however many creatures the opponent lost. If either of these adds up to 10 or more you will win on your next upkeep (unless they have a way to remove artifacts or enchantments).


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this is a good deck, but really requires draw luck
Last Updated: 05 Sep 2020
Created: 14 Jan 2019
4357 344 1

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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
20 12 22 6 0
4 3 8 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands