Historic - Wilderness Proliferation [WAR]

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Wilderness Reclamation (RNA)
Main 60 cards (15 distinct)
Creature (24)
Planeswalker (6)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (6)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)
Maybeboard 21 cards (21 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Dump mana into Proliferating Planeswalkers with Merfolk Skydiverimage and searching for creatures with Vivien's Arkbowimage. Then slam down a fat Bioessence Hydraimage on the opponents end step, thanks to Vivien, Champion of the Wildsimage and Wilderness Reclamationimage.

Notable Cards:

Merfolk Skydiverimage and Roalesk, Apex Hybridimage:

  • These cards allow you to put a +1/+1 counter on your creatures, allowing them to gain counters from Proliferate. A great target would be Carnage Tyrantimage.
  • These cards can Proliferate your creatures and planeswalkers. Merfolk Skydiverimage has cost ability, whereas Roalesk, Apex Hybridimage Proliferates twice upon death.
  • Putting a +1/+1 counter on Incubation Druidimage early with Merfolk Skydiverimage activates its Adapt ability, allowing for more mana ramp which can be used to Proliferate further.

Bioessence Hydraimage:

Vivien's Arkbowimage:

  • Allows you to look for Bioessence Hydraimage and other creatures you may need.
  • Hydroid Krasisimage is a mana efficent card to look for as you may be able to cast it the same turn, or on the opponents end step.

Vivien, Champion of the Wildsimage and Wilderness Reclamationimage:

  • These cards allow you to cast creature spells on your opponents turn, preferably on their end step.
  • Wilderness Reclamationimage allows you to float mana on your end step, so you can Proliferate twice whilst only having the land for one.
  • These cards allow you to find a creature with Vivien's Arkbowimage and cast it on your opponents turn.
  • With both these cards on the board, you effectively have double your lands to cast creatures with, as you can float the mana then play creatures after Wilderness Reclamationimage triggers, but still on your turn. Hydroid Krasisimage would be a creature to take advantage of this.

Kiora, Behemoth Beckonerimage:

  • Starts with 7 loyalty counters, which is great for Bioessence Hydraimage.
  • There are 12 creatures in the deck which can enter the battlefield with 4 power or more, which is great for card draw.
  • The extra card draw can be used for the cost of Vivien's Arkbowimage.
  • The -1 ability allows Incubation Druidimage to untap and tap again for an extra 3 mana, which can be used to Proliferate further.
  • You could also use the -1 ability to ramp by untapping a Llanowar Elf or a land, potentially getting Bioessence Hydraimage out on turn 3.

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Ok thx
Arena Standard = Standard, but with the Arena-specific banlist.
What is arena standard?
Don't really think it is needed with Merfolk Skydiver. Skydiver provides more utility, and provide more value from Proliferation. Yes it is easy to remove, however if they can remove Skydiver they can probably remove a more powerful creature with counters on it, making Proliferation not as useful.
Why no Karn's Bastion?
Really like this build. I featured it on in the latest Aetherhub article!
Last Updated: 05 Sep 2020
Created: 22 Apr 2019
7241 799 6

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
20 11 21 8 0
7 5 3 0 0
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