Commander - Anti-Establishment Troll Punk

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Dockside Extortionist (2X2)
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (78 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (33)
Creature (28)
Land (38)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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This deck is not concerned about winning, it's concerned about fighting against the status quo! Rebelling against the system! Protesting against the perpetrators of the greatest injustices committed against not only the working class, but all of mankind!

Who are these cabal of illuminati-esque figures I'm referring to, well that's as clear as a chemtrail my fluoride poisoned friend: Control players.

Control players represent the upper echelon of policy makers of society, shaping the world as they see fit via their inherited generational wealth. The globalist bourgeois, masquerading as the best and brightest, are everywhere. They are the local card game players who always places in 1st or 2nd at every tournament they enter, always saying things like "winning and losing is more skill than chance based" while completely ignoring the fact that the decks they bring are at minimum several hundred dollars more expensive than anyone else's. They are the rules committee that ban cards like Primeval Titan and Fastbond, but rejoice everytime a new infinite mana combo card or alternate win condition card is printed. They are banking CEO's taking the reins of a company that produces a children's card game, who then proceed to oversaturate the market while ostracizing the small businesses and players that built their ecosystem in the first place.

This deck is about sticking it to the man! I'm sure you've noticed there's no over priced mana rocks in this deck. Would they be helpful? Of course they would, but then we'd be no better than the degenerate filth that refuses to let us play this god forsaken game in the first place. This deck is not to be played casually, but rather unleashed upon "that guy". Everyone knows about "that guy", they're in every play group and LGS around the world. If you're asking yourself why there is no Taiga present in the mana base, this deck is definitely not for you.

Or you can just run Animar with some counter spells of your own, if you don't care about being a poser.

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Last Updated: 31 Mar 2023
Created: 30 Mar 2023
26 75 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
28 19 36 16 0
0 1 0 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands