Arena Standard - Boros Fliers

  • Deck contains 5 invalid cards for this format: Clifftop Retreat (DOM), History of Benalia (DOM), Resplendent Angel (M19), Rustwing Falcon (M19), Baffling End (RIX)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (28)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (9)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)

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Blakeizen's Boros Fliers

White Weenies, but in the Sky.

Hello spellslingers! Blakeizen here with the Saturday morning build for you! Check out the Deck Tech on YouTube: Boros Fliers. The video goes over the card choices and showcases the deck in action along side some game play commentary for those interested in picking it up. I was pretty stoked to play this new Flying Knight we got, and tried to find some interesting synergies with him! I present to you: Boros Weenies Fliers.


This week I wanted to explore the other big uncommon I was looking forward to from M20 spoilers: Skyknight Vanguardimage. This guy really stands out to me. He's a 1/2 Flier, but he also creates a 1/1 Soldier token tapped and attacking each time he attacks. This is a really cool ability on a low costed dude. The token stays around, so if you want to play Benalish Marshalimage by all means, go for it! There's a ton of synergies we can pull out of this card, the biggest one being from Histroy of Benalia. Read closely, that little 1/2 Flier is a Knight! 

We're taking a page out of the Azorious Fliers list to take a look at Sephara, Sky's Bladeimage. This lady can be a bit stringent to cast, but is a really cool and fun card, so we're giving her a shot. My main problem with this card is the inability to draw it. Feelsbadman. She has a weird type of "Convoke" built into her, but has an extremely powerful effect tied to her, not to mention she's a 7/7 Flying, Lifelink. Turn 1 Loyal Pegasusimage, Turn 2 Skyknight Vanguardimage, Turn 3 Loyal Pegasusimage x2 could happen and allow you to cast her that turn. I considered playing Healer's Hawkimage to make this play more common, we really would just need 1 drop Fliers to help that play out so, if you prefer the Hawk over Skymarcher Aspirantimage that's a thing you can do. 

Loyal Pegasusimage is something not very many decks will ever even consider. He's a bit weak on his own, but strong with a friend. He is a Flying creature, and he's a 2/1 for 1 CMC. He's pretty agressively costed, and really helps us out with our Sephara, Sky's Bladeimage gameplan. I like these kinds of High Risk / High Reward low drops as a player, so this guy definitely gets the love from me.


You guys know what History of Benaliaimage does. it helps fill our board for going wide, but in this deck, it gives us some of that sweet, sweet Knight synergy. If we have either our Skyknight Vanguardimage or Skyknight Legionnaireimage this will give those dudes the Knight bonus on the 3rd Lore counter. Pretty cool for pressuring your opponent 

Aurelia, Exemplar of Justiceimage and Skyknight Legionnaireimage come down to give us that extra punch in the air, and both of the Skyknight duo give us that extra Aurelia synergy. Aurelia being such a huge threat on her own is a must have in a deck like this. Mentor, Flying, 2/5 defensively, 4/5 Vigilance / Trample most of the time Offensively, she's just a well rounded threat that an aggro deck loves to play. Our other Skyknight that we play has seen virtually 0 play on Ladder so I wanted to bring him in as well. He get's all the same Knight synergy as the previous Skyknight, but is a Haste creature instead of a Token generating machine. If you want to take the more typical White Weenie approach, cut this guy for Benalish Marshalimage.


Sideboarding 101

Experimental Frenzyimage and  Fryimage come in versus all the Simic Cancer Flash lists running around. -3 Sephara, Sky's Bladeimage, -4 Conclave Tribunalimage

Find yourself against Vampires or other White Weenie builds? + 3 Flame Sweepimage. This card is almost just a one sided board clear for us. Baffling Endimage is inredibly helpful here for hitting Benalish Marshalimage board states, and Knight of the Ebon Legionimage who may be starting to get strong. -2 Unbreakable Formationimage and -1 Sephara, Sky's Bladeimage.

Any control list? +3 Experimental Frenzyimage, +1 Unbreakable Formationimage Your cuts here are pretty up in the air, I'd go -1 Aurelia, Exemplar of Justiceimage and -3 Skyknight Legionnaireimage


This deck has plenty of different ways to be built. I wanted to explore what we could do with Fliers, but I didn't want to play full on Boros Angels. This is a budget take on a Boros Weenies list. Moving this deck closer to a standard WW variant will most likely make it stronger, but for now this is how I've been playing on Ladder. We have great sideboard options from playing red. Fryimage is such a good card, I'll play it as a 4-of every time I'm in Red. Experimental Frenzyimage in the side also gives us a ton of card advantage. Make sure you're playing around what gets countered in certain matchups. Bait something else out first.

And that was Boros Fliers! A typical, Boros Weenie aggro deck with tons of Evasion in the deck! If you have any questions about any of my lists, or even a list you're working on feel free to give me a shout. My discord has a lot of new players and we're always optimizing lists for Wild Card spending and the like. We're mostly "active" late night EST but a few of us are on throughout the day! 

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About Blakeizen

Add me on Discord! Blakeizen#8657. I would love to get some games in, make friends, and discuss MTG!


Currently we're doing 1 YouTube Deck Tech weekly with real thought and testing put into each deck. 

Here's the YouTube: Blakeizen, and here's the Twitch:

Streaming 9:30 PM EST to 2:30 AM EST Saturday - Thursday! I'm always building and helping everyone with their builds. It's pretty relaxed, you should come!

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-4 Skymarcher Aspirant +4 Rustwing Falcon, -1 Resplendent Angel -1 Conclave Tribunal +2 Healer's Hawk to get more consistency out of Sephara.
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2019
Created: 20 Jul 2019
750 250 1

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
23 11 18 8 0
0 11 4 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands