Arena Standard - Dimir Flash

  • Deck contains 8 invalid cards for this format: Watery Grave (GRN), Quench (RNA), Cry of the Carnarium (RNA), Aether Gust (M20), Brineborn Cutthroat (M20), Mass Manipulation (RNA), Narset, Parter of Veils (WAR), Grafdigger's Cage (M20)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (10 distinct)
Maybeboard 4 cards (3 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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With Teferi 3 being banned I thought I would try and tech around what I think the meta will transfrom into; RDW and Green Stompy. From about an hour on ladder I managed to have around a 80% WR. The games I dropped were many due to the shuffler deciding that in the top 11 cards of my library only two lands should be there, the other was against RDW god draw.

The main aim of the deck is to get out Cutthroat and protect with the Counters and Gust. With the other creatures you want to just try and catch them out when they attack. Nightbonder is probably the weakest card in the deck, but making sure you don't get creatues countered is always useful, but they can certainly be cut for some Slitherwisps and Borrowers. The Cry is a double edged sword since it will exile our own creatures other than the Brineborn and the Serpent, but I included it as a one of just to board clear for RDW if they get too out of hand, it can easily be cut for something else. The deck has a lot of answers, I've found that keeping hands made of Land, Drowns and Eliminates can work since you'll draw into more counters or creatures eventually.

The deck aims at just frustrating the opponent and keeping them out the game, so in that way it is typical control, but having less answers to higher cmc is annoying, for that Heartless Act (HA) might be a better choice than Eliminate since Teferi 3 doesn't exist, but against Cavalcade's Chandra 3 it might be beneficial, HA is weaker against the Stonecoil's of Green Stompy and any Selesnya Counters. Quench obviously gets progressively worse as the game goes on, so it could be cut for another counterspell but it can come in clutch if the opponent gets greedy or plays risky, after all the deck does only run 10 counters. But whether you use them sparingly or cautiously, the deck can lead to frustration concedes.

It might be worth teching the deck to what you face, the Gusts can be a dead draw so it might be better fo you to substitue them for something else or cutting to add in card draw so they aren't dead cards. I'm not really a BO3 player, so I did make a sideboard but it's quite weak, you might want to run more removal or other flash/instant cards to synergise better, but it's a start that you can build from. The main thing to keep in mind is the deck wants to be both proactive and reactive in dealing with threats.

About SionConnery

When it doubt, Jank it out.

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Last Updated: 04 Aug 2020
Created: 04 Aug 2020
131 138 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
21 21 16 2 0
2 5 7 1 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands