Arena Standard - Domri Elementals 2.0

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Veil of Summer (M20)
Main 60 cards (23 distinct)
Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (6)
Planeswalker (5)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)

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# Intro

You thought elementals were dead? Guess what? They are not. Here is Domri Elementals v2.0 Eldraine style.

Ever seen an Temur elemental deck? They ramp fast, go wide, and then smash you with a bunch of 1 power elementals. What if I told you that you dont have to wait until you deck yourself before attacking with a bunch of power 1s, but instead can get all the ramp and combo you want and ALSO attack and end the game with a bunch of power 3s by turn 4. You doubt it? Just read on!

Here is the previous version in case you are wondering. Nothing much changed, we are just losing mana dorks and check-lands. Domri Elementals v1.0

# What the deck does

Sacrifice elementals with Neoformimage to get a fast Scampering Scorcherimage, buff the attacking elementals with Creeping Trailblazerimage and Domri, Anarch of Bolasimage, get the sacrificed elemementals back with Thunderkin Awakenerimage and trigger Risen Reefimage. Amazing!

# Why you should play it

+ Fast ramp

+ Fast kills

+ Easy combos

+ Satisfying to play

# New Meta

Obviously the new meta is just forming, so the deck might turn out to not work anymore. Especially the sideboard is prone to change.

What I am most afraid of are the big sweepers and the new white rare that shuts down our ETB effects. Thats what the counters and the burn are for.

# Main

Arboreal Grazerimage - Ramp and Neoformimage fodder. Replaces Llanowar Elvesimage

Leafkin Druidimage - Ramp and Neoformimage fodder.

Thunderkin Awakenerimage - Return all the awesome elementals from the graveyard. Buff with Neoformimage or Omnath, Locus of the Roilimage to be able to bring back Creeping Trailblazerimage.

Scampering Scorcherimage - The core card of the deck. Creates tokens, gives all elementals haste (!), triggers Risen Reefimage multiple time, and is overall just a pain in the neck for your opponents.

Creeping Trailblazerimage - Buffs all elementals and turns into a huge threat when unchecked. Also nice to pump him up and then use it to fight with Domri. Note: Can't be brought back with Thunderkin Awakenerimage by default. 

Risen Reefimage - Insance ramp, the reason elementals are a top choice to play. Very nice to get the triple trigger from Scampering Scorcherimage.

Omnath, Locus of the Roilimage - Top-end elemental, this bad boy deals a lot of damage, can buff you elementals and draws cards later on.

Cloudkin Seerimage - Fooder for Neoformimage to get Scampering Scorcherimage, also draws a card and bypasses defenses in some cases. 

Overgrowth Elementalimage - Lifegain in desperate situations. Puts counter on Thunderkin Awakenerimage so you can get back Creeping Trailblazerimage.

Neoformimage - A match made in hell with Thunderkin Awakenerimage. I recommend the following sacrifice pairings:

Arboreal Grazerimage  -> Thunderkin Awakenerimage or Creeping Trailblazerimage
Cloudkin Seerimage or Overgrowth Elementalimage  -> Scampering Scorcherimage or Omnath, Locus of the Roilimage
Leafkin Druidimage    -> Risen Reefimage or Overgrowth Elementalimage (when you need to get back a Creeping Trailblazerimage).
Scampering Scorcherimage -> Cavalier of Thornsimage

Cavalier of Thornsimage - The "best" mythic elemental. Powers Thunderkin Awakenerimage and gets back important stuff. Single copy as endpoint for the Neoformimage engine. Also nice against flyers and as blocker.  Swap with chandra when needed during sideboarding.

Domri, Anarch of Bolasimage - What is better than 2/1 elementals? 3/1 elementals! Also ramp and anti-counter measures. Awesome!

Chandra, Acolyte of Flameimage - Experimental. Creates tokens and allows re-cast of spells in graveyard. Especially nice for an emergency Neoformimage.

Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage - Waifu Nightmore for control decks, clears the board of non-elementals, applies more pressure

Negateimage - Filler. Single copy in the main-deck, good in almost any matchup.

Chandra's Triumphimage - Filler. Cant go to the face anymore, but synergises with Chandra.

# Lands

Green > Red > Blue.

Green is needed for the fast ramp, red for dealing damage, blue for some combo pieces. The Fabled Passageimage solves some problem with blue elementals and you should be able to find the missing blue mana source by the time you need it for Neoformimage. Still, losing the check-lands makes three-color a bit mor of a hassle.

# Sideboard

Nothing special, just countering all the common threats. Note: No one knows which common threats there are yet.. :)

Negateimage - Counter pesky planeswalkers and board-clear. Always good

Aether Gustimage - Do we still need it? Maybe use Mystical Disputeimage instead?

Fryimage - Do we still need it?

Veil of Summerimage - A supreme card. It is just sooo good. And fun. Dont look at my hand! Dont counter my spells! Dont bounce my creatures!

Flame Sweepimage - Yeah, you didnt expext that one, right? But we shut down turtle mana dorks, clear the board of zombies and still rebuild our side thanks to Thunderkin Awakenerimage.

Lava Coilimage -Maybe getting something more direct is better? Especially now that Chandra's Triumphimage is there and can hit for 5.

Return to Natureimage - I think we will see a lot more artifacts/enchantments and graveyard matters cards. And this hits all of them.

# End

Thanks for reading and I hope you have as much fun as I have with this deck. I played it the whole previous season and so far it is still looking very strong. Enjoy!

About Gildenmagier

Artisanal crafted, organic decks that will bring joy to everyone.

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Last Updated: 29 Sep 2019
Created: 27 Sep 2019
542 218 0

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