Arena Standard - Grixisbros

  • Deck contains 8 invalid cards for this format: Dragonskull Summit (XLN), Drowned Catacomb (XLN), Spell Pierce (XLN), The Eldest Reborn (DOM), Lightning Strike (M19), Nicol Bolas, the Ravager // Nicol Bolas, the Arisen (M19), The Eldest Reborn (DOM), Fight with Fire (DOM)
Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Planeswalker (13)
Creature (3)
Land (25)
Side 15 cards (10 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Blakeizen's Grixis Superfriends

Dragons and fire and lightning, Oh my!

Hello spellslingers! Blakeizen here with the weekly Saturday morning build for you! Check out the game play on YouTube- Blakeizen's Grixis Superfriends. The video showcases the deck in action, with some game play commentary for those interested in picking it up! This deck loves to run into Mono-Red on the ladder. I built this toying with last weeks Boros Naya build. Today I present you: Grixisbros. My favorite color combination! Alot of people have enjoyed my Grixis Amass Control list, and you should check that one out as well if you haven't already!


Sarkhan the Masterlessimage shows up for two weeks in a row from my builds. This card is quickly becoming one of my favorite thing to play, since he attacks from multiple angles. Most of the time this guy feels like you're paying 5 mana for TWO 4/4 fliers, and midgame with Narset, Parter of Veilsimage and Chandra, Fire Artisanimage on board, he might just finish off your opponent. I like to apply more pressure to my opponent and force them to make hard decisions, and this guy really sells me on getting that done.

Narset, Parter of Veilsimage does what she always does. Locking down our Izzet Phoenix friends from drawing critical mass amount of cards, and fishing for things we could use in the process. Since we're playing Sarkhan the Masterlessimage, we can still make use of her when she's sitting on that last 1 Loyalty counter! Consider not using her ability immediately when you're up against Izzet Phoenix and make them have to commit more than just 1 burn spell to dealing with her, and you'll have a good time. 

Chandra, Fire Artisanimage is kind of like playing extra Narset, Parter of Veilsimage fused with a Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage, with a time bomb built in. She let's you find extra lands, or playable cards each turn. Make sure you use her +1 Ability before you play any of the cards in your hand for the turn, lands included. If you ever get to use the -7 Ultimate just go ahead and press F to pay respects. It's unlikely that your opponent comes back from this, and it also helps with our 4/4 Flier beat down plan. We're attacking from a variaty of angles. 


Oh by the way, we also run burn spells. These can finish an opponent off if need be, but they are extremely helpful for keeping the board clear leading into our planeswalker / flying boi package. Shockimage and Spell Pierceimage put a stop to most anything Mono-Red wants to do turns 1 through 3, and Spell Pierceimage will catch those Light Up the Stageimage / Experimental Frenzyimage / Chandra, Fire Artisanimage slams. This also helps a lot versus Teferi, Time Ravelerimage who we all know and love, amongst other notable turn 3 plays like Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage and Domri, Anarch of Bolasimage. Shockimage does double duty here slowing down the Llanowar Elvesimage gameplan. 

Cry of the Carnariumimage and Ritual of Sootimage are here for extra coverage for those times where wants to throw very many 1 and 2 drop creatures at you. We're looking at you, White Weenie decks. These can be easily swapped around, play with the numbers on these based on the decks you're running into. If you're running into more Gruul Aggro, -1 Cry of the Carnariumimage for +1 Ritual of Sootimage and -3 Lightning Strikeimage for +3 Lava Coilimage.


My YouTube editing is starting to shape up. I'm only doing 1 video weekly but It has been super fun. If you enjoy them or have critique, please let me know! Show me some love and leave a sub <3!

I hope you enjoy the deck! 

About Blakeizen

Add me on Discord! Blakeizen#8657. I would love to get some games in, make friends, and discuss MTG!


Currently we're doing 1 YouTube Deck Tech weekly with real thought and testing put into each deck. 

Here's the YouTube: Blakeizen, and here's the Twitch:

Streaming 9:30 PM EST to 2:30 AM EST Saturday - Thursday! I'm always building and helping everyone with their builds. It's pretty relaxed, you should come!

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This deck is not only competitive but also really fun to play (a rarity in the current meta, sadly). I've been looking for something like this for a while.

It seems to-- from my admittedly cursory, initial play-- have a good match or construction against not only red aggro but also Esper, so... you know... like, all the decks...

Well done! And thanks for posting it! Keep 'em coming.
Last Updated: 23 Jun 2019
Created: 22 Jun 2019
978 269 1

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
9 18 29 4 0
5 4 4 2 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands