Standard - [IKO] GU Gyruda Cascade

TCGPlayer $228
Cardmarket €177
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
  • Deck contains 7 invalid cards for this format: Incubation Druid (RNA), Incubation // Incongruity (RNA), Breeding Pool (RNA), Fblthp, the Lost (WAR), Spark Double (WAR), Paradise Druid (WAR), Shifting Ceratops (M20)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (33)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (23)
Side 3 cards (3 distinct)
Maybeboard 69 cards (69 distinct)

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Gyruda, Doom of Depths is the companion of the deck. You always have access to it in the starting hand, so I figure you just ramp to it to get its powerful effect as soon as possible. So 10 mana dorks, 4 ways to look for them turn 1 (incubation doesn't break the rules), and 4 powerful cost reducers at 4 mana (split due to legendaryness). Overall, ~40% [52%] chance to cast Gyruda turn 4 on the play [draw] without taking mulligan or removal into account.

Once you cast Gyruda, the fun begins. Ideally, you hit spark double with which you copy Gyruda and spin again. Additional copies of Gyruda are additional spins. Thassa is a blink Gyruda into spin again. Hopefully get a giant board by the end of it.

Kogla can fight stuff and be indestructible against boardwipes (Kinnan and Humble Naturalist are the only humans, though :/). Kinnan's a mana sink that can start the spinning again, as are Nylea and kind of Thassa. Fblthp's a blink target for Thassa.

Thing's I'm not sure about: maybe should just drop incubation for more dorks and Kinnan, I think the flexibility is worth it though. Mana dorks make the deck very weak to wraths. Wolfwillow haven and growth spiral are safer options, but don't work with Kinnan. Deck seems very soft to counterspell.dek. Destiny Spinner could help, Kinnan kind of does. Maybe play Hydroid Krasis.

So after seeing how other people are building the deck, I think the better ramp package is 4x (Wolfwillow Haven, Growth Spiral, Paradise Druid, and Migration Path) [and maybe a little more, if you want]. The deck as I built it folds immediately to wraths, which is the only way to realistically answer it anyway, apart from counterspells. The new ramp plan is less disruptable, which means you can at least cast another Gyruda from hand, if necessary. On the flip side, the new ramp doesn't deal as well with aggressive decks as mana dorks and Incongruity can give some answers to Torbran, Embercleaved creatures, etc., so it might be a meta call. Going into White can also help alleviate wrath problems with Charming Prince and Luminous Broodmoth.

I'm going to leave this deck the way I originally built it as another option. I kind of thought this would just be a fun combo deck with some midrange elements that gave it some options, but it looks like a tuned version of Gyruda might be a serious meta contender, and as a warning, this version is not tuned

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You are definitely on the right track with ramping to turn 4 Gyruda as consistently as possible, though it is far better to include more cards to retrigger Gyruda and a few copies of Thassa's Oracle to outright win turn 4 very consistently. Check out my list at
Last Updated: 21 Apr 2020
Created: 10 Apr 2020
6444 710 1

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