Historic - Infinite Ultimatums!!

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath (THB)
Main 80 cards (25 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (32)
Creature (15)
Land (33)
Side 14 cards (14 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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In true What the Deck fashion, we have decided to win by going infinite, with an ultimatum!!! So the combo is that we cheat out Omniscience. We have many small 2 mana artifacts/enchantments that do something when they enter, along with Yorion to blink everything once or just be a big body to stall. Then we have some ramp in powerstone shard, uro, and Gift of Paradise. We have a board wipe to stay alive with Star of Extinction, Genesis Ultimatum as a value card that can possibly get out Omniscience, Drawn from Dreams and Faerie Formation as a card draw and board staller.

Once we have Omniscience in hand we cast flood of tears and put out Omniscience. From there we keep casting our draw permanents until we find Scholar of the Ages which can bring back flood of tears. Then we can loop flood, Omniscience, and scholar to cast a second sorcery for free every turn.  What spell would that be? Why Inspired ultimatum!!! We fetch it with Fae of wishes and just go off. We can infinitely generate colorless mana by tapping and bouncing powerstone shards when we flood but we also have the Guild Globes and Golden eggs which we can generate colored mana, so we can play and bring back Fae of Wishes to our hand infinitely as well. We fetch Jace and either win through damage or draw from the Inspired Ultimatum loop!!!


Some other things that can be great though is in the sideboard. Exctinction event can handle any Indestructible nonsense, Bojuka Bog is great for dealing with graveyard Shenanigans along with making sure you hit land drops if it becomes relevant. Maelstrum Pulse and Thought Distortion for handling a Pesky permanent or a troublesome opponent. Unmoored ego to stop some combos and Dance of the Manse to make an insta-board by cycling mana through our artifacts and bringing them back. 


Another cool way to win is this little trick. Saheeli, makes artifacts when you cast non-creature spells. Memorial gives haste to your creatures. Mizzium Tank: Becomes a creature and bigger when you cast non-creature spells.  Masterful replication, turn all your artifacts into Mizzium Tanks. Play a non-creature spell and everything becomes a buff creature. Swing big and hard. Of course, ultimatum is much easier but the combo could be fun :)

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Last Updated: 23 May 2020
Created: 20 May 2020
278 229 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
29 4 40 7 0
2 2 8 2 0
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