Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15) | |||
$0.23€0.100.03 | |||
$0.16€0.090.03 | |||
$0.24€0.070.03 | |||
$0.27€0.130.02 | |||
$0.45€0.310.03 | |||
Creature (20) | |||
$0.40€0.300.02 | |||
$0.27€0.150.02 | |||
$0.99€0.870.02 | |||
$0.86€0.650.02 | |||
$0.49€0.280.02 | |||
Land (25) | |||
$15.01€14.920.92 | |||
$0.15€0.050.03 | ||
$11.02€10.370.88 | |||
$2.92€2.200.03 | |||
$0.18€0.160.04 | ||
$1.64€1.390.02 | |||
$0.20€0.130.01 |
$0.75€0.500.02 | |||
$0.20€0.350.04 | ||
$0.45€0.310.03 | |||
$0.16€0.090.03 | |||
$0.75€0.540.02 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsI got this deck from's decklist section. The first wave of new decks in any format are exciting, but this one jumped out to me because of the attempt to combine new cards with a combo that is obviously powerful, but missed out on last standard because of mana issues.
I am obviously talking about -
Goblin Chainwhirler
Status / Statue
Doing the combo in MTG Arena requires full-control mode turned on, so you can respond to your Chainwhirler's trigger.
As you will see in the video, I learned that Treasure Map comes in a lot. Spectacle is not a given, and Rix-Maadi Reveler is more often a rummage trigger than a draw three. Still, it is a fine dork, but after sideboard in any map that is not a race you will want the Treasure Map.
Rekindling Phoenix is shining in the format right now. Lots of players are scaling back on Vraska's Contempt and Lava Coil to try new cards, and Settle the Wreckage has been replaced by Kaya's Wrath in many lists. This all makes the Phoenix a rock star again.
I don't know if I love Shivan Fire. Good, yes, but Shock could give me Spectacle and kill the occasional Teferi that minus 3's a Phoenix. Find and Eldest Reborn are great with Siege-Gang, and the amount of burn-you-out-with-Goblins wins I have had is far higher than the number of Status/Statue wins.
I don't know if 4 Dare-devils are needed. The mana was friendly, and I wonder if it is too greedy for an Arch of Orazca. In best-of-one I would try really hard to get two or three Treasure Maps into the deck, likely cuttin a Reveler, a Dare-Devil and a Shivan Fire. I would also test two Shock instead of the remaining Shivan Fire's.
If you have the cards, try this deck out. I do not recommend Bedevil in the deck, the mana is pretty tough already. Think of the deck as a Big Red deck splashing two colors, not a Jund deck or Rakdos deck. If you need to craft Rix Maadi Reveler, I would craft three. I doubt you will regret it.
<3 CGB
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5 | 9 | 35 | 4 | 0 |
5 | 2 | 8 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |