Arena Standard - Kaalia, the Wallet Seeker w/ Writeup

TCGPlayer $242
Cardmarket €208
Cardhoarder 8 Tix
  • Deck contains 4 invalid cards for this format: Dragonskull Summit (XLN), Isolated Chapel (DOM), Clifftop Retreat (DOM), Blood Sun (RIX)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Creature (31)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (3)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

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Blakeizen's Kaalia Midrange

Mardu Midrange, but mostly big fat aggro fliers.


What's up spellslingers! Blakeizen here with the Saturday morning build for you! Check out the Deck Tech on YouTube: Kaalia, the Wallet Seeker. The video goes over the card choices and showcases the deck in action along side some game play commentary for those interested in picking it up. I've been trying to play with Kaalia, Zenith Seekerimage for a bit now, and turns out you just need to throw wildcards at the entire deck. Generally when you cast Kaalia you're going to pull 2 cards with this build, and that's perfect. I present to you: Kaalia, Zenith Wallet Seeker.


Kaalia, Zenith Seekerimage is the namesake card, and the card we wanted to build around. Due to her ability to find up to 3 different cards, we want to maximize being able to hit those creatures, and for those creatures to be pretty impactful. Kaalia isn't particularly impactful to the board state all on her own, but she is a Flying, Vigilance 3/3 for 3, which feels nice. Decks like Scapeshift have a hard(ish) time dealing with Flier aggression. Fliers feel pretty good right now based on what I've been running into, but we're starting this season at Gold, so do with that what you will.

Aurelia, Exemplar of Justiceimage puts in the work behind a Kaalia, turning her into a 5/3 and adding Trample. The next turn is a good attack as well. A 4/5 Aurelia mentors the Kaalia and you're swinging for 8, alot of times you will have the Skarrgan Hellkiteimage to get sideways as well if you'd like to just go ahead and smack your opponent for 12. I love playing all these big Fliers.

Skarrgan Hellkiteimage is the only real Dragon target we have for the destroyer of gems Kaalia, though you do get a few more options in Demons if you do not have the Spawn of Mayhemimage. Skarrgan Hellkiteimage is just a good card, solid, and has a very relevant activated ability when the board is getting stale. This guys is your finisher a lot of the time, so be sure to consider his Haste when you can.

Spawn of Mayhemimage is the 3 4 Drop we want to see behind Knight of the Ebon Legionimage. The ability to force your opponent to not block your Knight almost always leads to a turn 3 Spawn of Mayhemimage. This is a solid play and I would not be surprised to see more of this in standard in the future. This line is incredibly aggressive, and mauls your opponent's life total. If you happen to be at 10 or less life, this dude is gonna get bigger. 


Our 1 and 2 drops shore up our gameplan by either getting us ahead on board, or keeping us ahead on board. Knight of the Ebon Legionimage can win games all on his own, just by how he forces your opponent to play. Hero of Precinct Oneimage has token synergy with 20 of our cards so I thought it would be great for leaving back chump blockers, as we fly over for our damage. It's been doing well, but the 2 cost slots in this deck are pretty open, and I'm not sure you need anything specific here. Dreadhorde Butcherimage is the next most relevant card I'd choose for either the Hero or Corpse Knightimage slot.

Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlordimage is an insurance policy against some fringe decks that I'm sure you've never heard of, like Mono Red Aggro and Esper. His lifelink ability is super useful with all of our easy-to-get-through Flying damage, and the -X ability can hit most of our deck, most notably a Kaalia, Zenith Seekerimage to get us needed cards in the Control match ups. Bedevilimage let's us pop whatever we see on board that can be annoying (except enchantments).


And that was Kaalia Midrange. I don't recommend rushing out to blast through 19 Mythics to run this deck, but most of the Mythics are used in other decks or can be made use of elsewhere however. I don't think Kaalia, Zenith Seekerimage is competitive at all without all of the backup of the other Mytchis. This deck takes the cake for the most expesive thing I've built on MTG Arena. Love it? Hate it? What do you think? 

I'll post the YouTube gameplay tomorrow, I'm going to move that back 2 days from what I was previously doing. Work load reasons. Thanks, job!

About Blakeizen

Add me on Discord! Blakeizen#8657. I would love to get some games in, make friends, and discuss MTG!


Currently we're doing 1 YouTube Deck Tech weekly with real thought and testing put into each deck. 

Here's the YouTube: Blakeizen, and here's the Twitch:

Streaming 9:30 PM EST to 2:30 AM EST Saturday - Thursday! I'm always building and helping everyone with their builds. It's pretty relaxed, you should come!

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