Arena Standard - Nayabros

TCGPlayer $204
Cardmarket €169
Cardhoarder 9 Tix
  • Deck contains 9 invalid cards for this format: Sunpetal Grove (XLN), Clifftop Retreat (DOM), Shalai, Voice of Plenty (DOM), Cleansing Nova (M19), Lightning Strike (M19), Vivien Reid (M19) Ixalan's Binding (XLN), Banefire (M19), Vivien Reid (M19)
Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Planeswalker (17)
Creature (3)
Land (25)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Blakeizen's Naya Superfriends

the green one didn't get as much screen time anyways.

Hello spellslingers! Blakeizen here with the weekly Saturday morning build for you! Check out the game play on YouTube- Blakeizen's Naya Superfriends. The video showcases the deck in action, with some game play commentary for those interested in picking it up! I've been working on this list for a bit and It's gone through some big changes, but I finally landed on one that has started to climb in this RDW / Esper meta. We definitely enjoy running into Mono Red with this deck. Today I present you: Nayabros. It's barely Naya though, you can probably cut all the green cards.


First off, Sarkhan the Masterlessimage. This guy is worth building a deck around, and is a SUPER cool/fun card to be playing. You do not need to be playing Jeskai to make use of this guy, but you do need to be playing a decent amount of Planeswalkers. We built this deck starting with him, and Chandra, Fire Artisanimage at 4 copies. These guys really play well together. Learning how to play Sarkhan can be a bit tricky. You wan't to go with the line of play that has the highest chance of keeping him alive. This means you need to be concious about what your opponent is doing. Sarkhan is a way to turn our board into a hard-to-deal-with mencace. His static ability is fairly low impact, but I have closed a few games out with it. Interaction with Sarkhan the Masterlessimage and Ajani, the Greatheartedimage? Priceless.

Ajani, the Greatheartedimage speeds up our win condition. We do want to be bashing our opponent's face in, and Ajani let's us speed that up. He also soaks up a lot of damage when you need to drop him turn 4 versus Mono-Red. When You use Sarkhan the Masterlessimage in conjunction with cat-bro, we also buff all of our Planeswalkers with +1/+1 counters. This also matters heavily with Mobilized Districtimage. Your opponent will figure out very quickly that they need to shut down this combo. Also to note, if you play him on 4 and you just need to click his +1, he will have saved you 9 damage if they start punching / removing Ajani. This guy is nuts versus Mono-Red.

Speaking of Mobilized Districtimage, have you tried this card? In Planeswalker piles like this, very often it becomes a 1 mana 3/3 dude with Vigilance that dodges Kaya's Wrathimage. Don't forget you can activate this guy on the opponent's turn for a surprise blocker! Psst. That's why they have Vigilance. This is one of my top 3 favorite cards to play from WAR.

Chandra, Fire Artisanimage is up next. I bet you've only seen this card in Mono-Red haven't you? This lady applies all the pressure. She does absolutely nothing the turn she hits the board, but after that, she needs to be dealt with. Just having Chandra on board is threatening to any other planeswalkers on board, and at some point, threatening to nuke your opponent for 7 and basically do whatever you want that turn. We do mimic Mono-Red a bit in that we run a bunch of burn spells, and she will absolutely help you find lethal sometimes. (We had a really good game against an Izzet Phoneix deck in our YouTube video where this happened in a way you wouldn't expect.) Other times, she'll help smooth out your land drops, and find your win-conditions. She's a strong, independent Planeswalker, and she deserves better than that punk RDW. We'll take care of her.

Gideon Blackbladeimage is a card I'm considering running a 3rd copy of, but for right now we're just playing 2. He really gets the job done in our build since we're focuing our spells heavily on controlling the board. He play's very similar to Mobilized Districtimage and when you get these two cards online together, you're going to have a good time. Very flexible and hard to deal with.

Our other planeswalkers are there as kind of a toolkit for both tempo and Card Advantage. Vivien Reidimage does not often find you a creature (we run 3) but she doesn't have artifact / enchantment / flying dude removal attatched to her, and is very easy to ult when Ajanibro is down. Ugin, the Ineffableimage does a very similar thing, but let's us get easier card advantage and has a very strong -3. Hilariously, one of the main cards he can't deal with is himself. 


You all know what Shockimage and Lightning Strikeimage do. They can be finishers in this deck and really really slow down Aggro and Ramp decks (we're looking at you, Nissa) and let us slow the game down getting to our Planeswalkers. 

Solar Blazeimage though? I know right. Where's Deafening Clarionimage? I did try playing Clarion. What ended up happening was the rest of our removal was too good at clearing the board, and we needed something with a bit more oomph. This card handles a lot more things than Deafening Clarionimage can and is a key card in our aggro matchups. Gruul Spellbreakerimage is real and we want to handle things that fat. We can wipe the board with this thing, and have cleared the way for our Gideon Blackbladeimage and Mobilized Districtimage on the same turn. Feels good man.


I hope you guys enjoy the deck! I've been using it to climb, and it could use a bit more tweaking, but it's working very well currently. I am new at this YouTube thing but I will be including a video with these every week from now on. We had a bit of trouble with this one, had a lot of great games but most of them got currupted! Ugh. I'm interested in any feedback you guys have! 

Do you think the deck needs more Hulk? Do we cut him entirely? 

About Blakeizen

Add me on Discord! Blakeizen#8657. I would love to get some games in, make friends, and discuss MTG!


Currently we're doing 1 YouTube Deck Tech weekly with real thought and testing put into each deck. 

Here's the YouTube: Blakeizen, and here's the Twitch:

Streaming 9:30 PM EST to 2:30 AM EST Saturday - Thursday! I'm always building and helping everyone with their builds. It's pretty relaxed, you should come!

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Last Updated: 19 Jun 2019
Created: 15 Jun 2019
712 216 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
4 13 38 3 0
0 2 12 1 0
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