Arena Standard - RunedAngels

TCGPlayer $83
Cardmarket €21
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
  • Deck contains 16 invalid cards for this format: Righteous Valkyrie (KHM), Brightclimb Pathway (ZNR), Firja's Retribution (KHM), Starnheim Unleashed (KHM), Poison the Cup (KHM), Youthful Valkyrie (KHM), Sejiri Shelter (ZNR), Rune of Sustenance (KHM), Rune of Mortality (KHM), Speaker of the Heavens (M21), Heliod's Intervention (THB), Legion Angel (ZNR), Baneslayer Angel (M21), Hagra Mauling (ZNR), Crawling Barrens (ZNR), Crippling Fear (KHM)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Creature (15)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Land (20)
Maybeboard 4 cards (1 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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This deck uses Runes for both their counter benefit and card advantage; You need to get to 4 or 5 mana as quickly as you can and they help better than most other options (getting you from 2-3 lands in your opening hand, to 4 or 5). Treacherous Blessing is the next best contender.

Ideally, you want any three of the following angels in the first 5 turns (multiples are fine): 1) Youthful, 2) Righteous, 3) Firja's Retribution, 4) Starnheim Unleashed and 5) Baneslayer Angelimage.

1cc: Speaker of  the Heavens (early destruction targets, but can be strong adding angels later)

2cc: Youthful Valkyrie or Foretell Starnheim Unleashed for later (Youthful just keeps growing)

3cc: Righteous Valkyrie, cast Starnheim Unleashed (Righteous adds life, Starnheim should be unleashed later)

4cc: Firja's Retribution or Starnheim Unleashed

5cc: Starnheim Unleashed from Foretell (2 angels), or Baneslayer Angel


Crawling Barrens are purely included to get thru heavy counterspells...  (Runes used on Crawling Barrens get interesting)

Watch Crippling Fears (do not kill angels and Speaker of the Heavens)

If you can, hold Sejeri Shelter until later in the game, to protect an important angel.




Creature decks like this are always susceptible to destruction (and now Rampage encourages them not to kill your angels). It tries to make the situation where they lose if they don't kill them, and lose if they do.

About Vrodaire

 -- Grumpy ol' Jank Generator --

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Last Updated: 05 Feb 2021
Created: 03 Feb 2021
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