Planeswalker (6) | |||
$0.50€0.280.02 | |||
$4.34€2.470.02 | |||
Creature (24) | |||
$3.50€2.020.02 | |||
$0.51€0.720.03 | |||
$1.86€1.691.04 | |||
$2.59€1.890.02 | |||
$0.38€0.320.03 | |||
$0.50€0.340.02 | |||
$0.25€0.110.03 | |||
$0.50€0.260.03 | |||
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (5) | |||
$0.55€0.490.02 | |||
$0.30€0.440.57 | |||
Land (25) | |||
$0.18€0.030.05 | ||
$0.40€0.200.02 | |||
$0.40€0.240.02 | |||
$0.20€0.130.04 | ||
$0.20€0.140.04 | ||
$16.72€15.200.17 | |||
$13.85€13.640.29 | |||
$11.77€10.360.15 | |||
$1.62€1.110.02 | |||
$1.18€0.880.02 |
$2.10€1.580.02 | |||
$0.24€0.170.03 | |||
$0.37€0.200.02 | |||
$0.25€0.100.04 | ||
$0.20€0.100.03 | |||
$0.27€0.120.02 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsHello spellslingers! Blakeizen here with the weekly Saturday morning build for you! Check out the game play on YouTube- Throw Up Yarok Fist. The video showcases the deck in action with some game play commentary for those interested in picking it up. I have seen a couple of these lists and wanted to take a shot at building it! It has some incredible plays and will swing the game out of nowhere. The deck benefits heavily from the explore package, and we're running that sweet, sweet Elemental synergy alongside it. I present to you: Throw Up Yarok Fist
Yarok, the Desecrated is our namesake card, the one we want to play and build around. We don't necessarily need to even see him to win the game since we have so many threats in the deck, but his effect is important. Any permanent you control entering the battlefield triggers an extra time. Wildgrowth Walker triggers extra times from the Explore package going off. With the way this deck is built, we can play fair and not worry too much about having to trade or throwing things into our trash can, and set up absolutely bonkers Command the Dreadhorde plays. Go ahead and just make a 10/12 Wildgrowth Walker and gain 50 life or whatever. It's fine.
Be liberal with the explore effect. We want to be sure we're putting things into the graveyard, since we're going to get that value back at some point. If we don't we still have a few different angles of attack we can fall back on. Keep in mind, even if we don't hit Command the Dreadhorde, Tamiyo, Collector of Tales can still pull back something we need.
Of course we're going to play Nissa, Who Shakes the World. She can win games all on her own, creates a hard to deal with board state, and gives us an aggressive-ish option. We can still leverage her static effect for some big plays, but she's mainly here as another "deal with me or I win the game" kind of play.
Just a few minutes ago, I mentioned trigger effects happening twice with Yarok, the Desecrated on board. Well, Biogenic Ooze makes two tokens. At the end of your turn, you've got three 3/3's on board. That's a lot of power, and just one more win condition they have to deal with. With the relevance of Fliers at the moment, I would give -2 Biogenic Ooze and +2 Cavalier of Thorns a try, to hedge the matchups even more. Right now I'm happy with Ooze but if I keep seeing Mono U or Simic Cancer Flash I'll go up to 3 of the Reachy bois.
I'm going to start talking more about Sideboarding and go back to Bo3 matches in the YouTubers. This shouldn't be too hard but if it's helpful, let me know and I'll keep doing it. There's a lot of ways to reach out to me, just let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Shifting Ceratops while not 100% "Unbeatable" (see most popular Twitch clips for more info) comes in as a 4-of against Mono U, or Simic Flash. If you happen into Esper with T3feri, feel free to move him in here as well. -3 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales, -1 Yarok, the Desecrated
Ripjaw Raptor and Thrashing Brontodon are awesome against Mono Red, and WW variants. You can also bring Brontodon in if you want to beat any Artifact based Graveyard hate. I haven't seen it much, but the play is there. -1 Command the Dreadhorde, -3 Nissa, Who Shakes the World, -1 Cavalier of Thorns
Negate and Disdainful Stroke are here to catch some of those crazy combo decks running around. There's a few variants, but all 4 copies are usually solid against them. Some can infinite you, so be careful. -3 Cast Down, -1 Ravenous Chupacabra
Finally, the Find // Finality is here as a 1-of for a precaution against similar lists, and sometimes Elemental variants. It's not necessary, you could run more of what you have in the side already if you'd like, but this was a flex spot for me. Bring it in when you want more value / board clear. Tamiyo can help you find it, or even re-use it.
I'll be playing this during the Competitive Metagame Challenge this weekend. -7/13/19.
And that, was Throw Up Yarok Fist. It's a Mid-Range list with combo elements that really has some nuclear Command the Dreadhorde plays. Give it a try and tell me what you think! If you have any questions about any of my lists, or even a list you're working on feel free to give me a shout. My discord has a lot of new players and we're always optimizing lists for Wild Card spending and the like. We're mostly "active" late night EST but a few of us are on throughout the day.
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Add me on Discord! Blakeizen#8657. I would love to get some games in, make friends, and discuss MTG!
Currently we're doing 1 YouTube Deck Tech weekly with real thought and testing put into each deck.
Here's the YouTube: Blakeizen, and here's the Twitch:
Streaming 9:30 PM EST to 2:30 AM EST Saturday - Thursday! I'm always building and helping everyone with their builds. It's pretty relaxed, you should come!
3 | 17 | 34 | 6 | 0 |
4 | 4 | 7 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |