Historic Brawl - Yarok Degen from Up North

Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (96 distinct)
Creature (34)
Planeswalker (2)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (29)
Land (34)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Hey Y'all!

Wanted to run a throwback deck this week while waiting for Midnight Hunt to drop. So we decided on stream to build Yarok, the Desecrated with as much consistency as we could muster. Had a lot of fun with the deck and I think that you can take Yarok a few different ways. We decided to focus on a lands matter gameplan with a slight Elemental subtheme within the deck. It turned out fairly strong in my opinion. You can find gameplay of the deck attached.  You can also find me streaming at 

twitch.tv/BPRadiant most WED and FRI afternoons. 

So I wanted to go over some of the key decisions in the deck and what lines of play you'll need to be looking out for. First we are primarily looking to win with Fielf of the Dead or Overwhelming advantages by doubling ETB to gain more resources than our opponent. 

We have a few different ways to do this. Besides Yarok we also included Panharmoniconimage , Thassa, Deep-Dwellingimage, and Spark Doubleimage to act as redundency for our Commander since Yarok will be kill on sight for a lot of decks. We've also included a lot of value in ETB effects in the deck to take advantage of this doubling. Cards like Hostage Takerimage and Ravenous Chupacabraimage become insane value letting us 2 for 1 our opponents board. Evoking a Mulldrifterimage gives us a really crazy draw power as well. 

Yarok also doubles the etbs of non creatures so we are using land etb's to trigger things like Scute Swarmimage , Field of the Dead, and Tatyova, Benthic Druidimage . We have Zendikar's Roil to act as a second field effect for us as well. Using cards like Elivish Rejuvenator, Cavalier of Thorns, Hour of Promiseimage , and Ulvenwald Hydra to tutor out field from the deck. 

Our draw effects are also nicely affected by our commander with Tome of Legends, Mulldrifter, Guardian Project, and The Great Henge all doubling their draw effects. 

We tried to keep our removal flexible. Since we are in Golgari we have access to the most flexible removal in the game currently. Keep that in mind when looking at threat assessment for your opponents side since it can be better to hold onto a Maelstrom Pulse for one turn to Chupacabra a creature. 

It may take a few games to get used to getting maximum value out of the deck. You want to ride the line between greed and value as best you can. When the deck goes off it will really go off. 

Our matchups are fairly skill based against control, we are unfavored into aggro since they can get under us while we are setting up, and we are really favored into other midrange or combo decks since we have a strong value engine that other decks can only dream of. 

I'm a bit sad that the adversary's from Midnight Hunt aren't as abusable with Yarok but its still something to look forward to. I think that this deck won't have a lot that'll get updated from the new set but the new UG lands legendary could be a good fit to help us recure Field from the graveyard. 

I hope y'all enjoyed my writeup this week. Hope to see you with some of the Midnight Hunt Commanders. If you have a favorite or someone you'd like to see feel free to leave a commend below. 

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Hey TRBRY we are running 6 mdfc cards as well so we are running a total of 40 lands. We also use 12 ramp pieces and have 10 or so other card draw parts. This together will help to ensure hitting land drops in most games. I personally like running 6 mdfc's since they can give you gas when drawn later and can help mitigate overdrawing lands. I've seen some people say that they shouldn't act as a direct 1 to 1 for lands but I've not had any issues yet running 4 to 6.
How do you not get land stalled?
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2021
Created: 14 Sep 2021
1457 515 2

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
21 17 45 13 0
0 0 0 1 0
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Symbols Percentage Lands