Commander - Izzet wheel

58 10
14 46 3 36

So, about papa. Main way to build around Parun is wheel archetype, meaning Windfallimage effects, about which Rule commitee whining so much. With Hullbreacherimage ban (sadface) it's not as broken as it was, but Narset, parter of veil remains, so it's still playable (for now, at least).

Wincons. Your main target is to complete Niv-Mizzet, Parunimage+Curiosityimage combo with infinite damage to your opponents directly. Parun can be swapped for Niv-Mizzet, the Firemindimage, having the same effect. Aside Curiosityimage, use Ophidian Eyeimage and Tandem Lookoutimage to complete loop, if you missed first one, though it cost more. Alternative wincon is Pestermiteimage+Splinter Twinimage combo for infinite 2/1 flyers with haste (i know it's cEDH combo, but you're really out of options here). Usually, you'll have 3 opponents, meaning, you have to deal 120 damage with 99 cards (or even lower, actually). How are we going to win with such drawback, you ask? Well, self-mill yourself with loop for win effect of Laboratory Maniacimage, Jace, Wielder of Mysteriesimage, or Thassa's Oracleimage. This is your insurance for winning, son. Most wacky is Oracle, of course, you should make it response, or you done.

The most important part. Cons. As soon as you showed who is your commander, every sentient living form in radius of 1000 km would know, what are you gonna do, what combo you are going to make and how, and they gonna stop you as they can, unless there's even worse filth at the table. First, your commander: his cmc is 6, and all 6 is pips. Not gonna lie: it sucks, man, and all your colorless ramp became worse. At least, he can't be countered. Second: izzet colors. As you figured out already, you have no green --> your ramp is artifact, and that's not good, because they're much more vulnerable than lands, be careful of Vandalblastimage. Third: your nemesis is sacrifice. You literally have no answer to prevent that, except countering triggered abilities or counterspells, we have no white protection or simic "sac prevention" 'walkers, so make sure you deal with it, even if it keeps other enemies in check.

Control is your main way to be in game, and here lies your responsibility to evaluate threats properly, which is not so simple at first, especially for new players. This deck is intense for decision making, and rarely forgives mistakes, but man - it's so satisfying to win with commander combo. About your control: Cyclonic Riftimage and Devastation Tideimage for slowing down your opponents or keep in check other combos. Blasphemous Actimage for creature decks (especially gruul Omnath, but don't forget to remove main Omnath first), they'll love it. And of course - counterspells, use it for main threats, or for defence of your commander.

Fun part - making your enemies miserable. Hullbreacherimage banned, Wheel club is grieveng. We still have Narset, Parter of Veil though, with awesome effect. Cast your Windfallimage or other wheel spell (we have plenty of them) with Narset in play, force your opponents lose their hands, and gain huge card advantage. Obviously, better wheel when you have no significant cards in hand or no cards at all. Btw, about creatures. Most of them are wheels by themself or support it, like Psychosis Crawlerimage. Baral, Chief of Complianceimage is cute, makes sorceries and instants cheaper, helps you dig through deck for wincons. Try to save him from removals, if possible.

Maybeboard. I cut Isochron Scepterimage+Dramatic Reversalimage for it's instability. You have limited slots, which you want for cards, supporting your wheel and helping you carry on, and i think putting here cards, tutoring this combo to make it stable is not worth it, you have better options, even if payoff is infinite mana. Hinderimage+Tunnel Visionimage is hard to realise, but when you do - mill your opponent to 1 and use Jace's +1 ability to eliminate opponent. I personally cut it off, but fell free to use it, it's fun. About Windfallimage: i cut it. From all wheels, this one is weakest. With Narset in table, you want as much cards as possible. It's great when opponents have more cards than you, but from my personal experience i was the one with most. If your playergroup is different - use it, it will a make a job pretty well.

Consecrated Sphinximage is ridiculously stupid card for EDH, it's too strong, and most important - it's not banned (for some reason). If you have it, swap Narset Reversal for it immediately.

Teferi, Master of Timeimage - this one is actually nice. I swapped Disallowimage for it, and i didn't regret it. If for some reason your opponents let you get -10, you literally can't lose, 2 additional turns is nuts. Aside that, you digging through deck every turn, even if it died, at least you filtered your hand. He's fairly priced, give this card a try.

Feel free to comment (and thrown poopoo on my English (i'm not English anyway :))



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Last Updated: 29 Sep 2023
Created: 14 Jan 2021
291 116 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (87 distinct)

Creature (14)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (46)
Land (36)
Planeswalker (3)

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