Commander - Kona Fetch

31 25 1 42

Kona is just very easy to break. A lot of people will ask the wrong question of how to do it though: How do I break this with just Green Mana? <.< Boy, you forget colorless is a thing? There's loads of ways to tap this puppy and ensure they just toss out a massive threat right away. Like there's very little to break. The main trick is making sure you can survive because most people at the table will realize you are an arch enemy as well. 

Ideas for the future: find something like The Immortal Sun or things people don't expect and maybe do Mono Green Delirium type stuff or focus on the Manifest Dread parts more. 

Also minor keynote: tossing Kona in as Lt to Keruga might be smarter since you have blue to defend it.


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Last Updated: 21 Sep 2024
Created: 21 Sep 2024
15 14 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (61 distinct)

Creature (31)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Land (42)
Planeswalker (1)

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