Explorer - Shape the Cosmos | Shapeshifter Tribal

19 19
14 23 0 23
Aggro Jank

This deck was based on the deck Standard 2022: Simic Shapeshifters by ThickGrape

 Working on this variartion that plays off of Absorb Identityimage, which is an amazing card.

Also have Concerted Defenseimage which can play well with your creatures since they have all the party types (still need the bodies on the battlefield), drop it down to two though, but if you want to go more counter heavy, add one more of those and the Decisive Denialimage's

Could possibly go one more Glasspool Mimicimage for and Island as the first turn is pretty much doing nothing beside the off chance counter, or perhaps a Jwari Disruptionimage if counter heavy is the direction you want to go.

If i was going to play this out of standard, I think I would add in Whelming Waveimage and maybe some of the 1 casting cost Changelings? it just needs a little more of a push but its really fun to play, though really wish Faceless Havenimage could be put back in as it's pretty fitting here.

Update 7/26/22

Added a 4th Blizzard Brawlimage and a 4th Absorb Identityimage dropping the Bloodline Pretenderimage and Realmwalkerimage down to 3 cards each, was running into a lack of removal, so this was my adjustment.  

Update 9/13/22

Rotated out of standard, but I really like the deck theme, so updated it to work for Exporer, drop a couple spells back down and added Whelming Waveimage's and included Faceless Havenimage back in now that they are legal in that format. Also lowered Orvar, the All-Formimage down to 2 as it tends to get slaughtered asap.


please comment with any suggestions on how to improve things.


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Last Updated: 09 Aug 2023
Created: 06 Apr 2022
361 414 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (16 distinct)

Creature (14)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (23)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 7 cards (3 distinct)


Maybeboard - 3 cards (1 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
7 22 29 2 0
0 5 2 0 0