Historic - Giant Charbelcher

6 12 20 30
18 42 0 0

This deck focuses on using Goblin Charbelcherimage with rule 711 — Double-Faced Cards

"711.4a While a double-faced card is outside the game, in a zone other than the battlefield, or on the battlefield with its front face up, it has only the characteristics of its front face."

When the ability on Goblin Charbelcherimage searches the library for a land there are zero valid targets; this turns every card in the library in to 1 point of damage.

This deck only needs 5 cards to win on Turn 4 and you can mulligan down till you have 4 of those 5 cards. Mulligan down as far as you need to to start with a Goblin Charbelcherimage or a Assemble the Teamimage. I have gotten a turn 4 kill on a Keep 1 mulligan down to just the Goblin Charbelcherimage. The 4 cards you need in your starting hand are 1 Goblin Charbelcherimage, 1 untap land, 1 land, and 1 mana rock/dork. You need to draw 1 more untap land by Turn 3 which is very concistent and has a expected value (EV) of 4.8 on the play and 5.3 on the draw. Keeping a Assemble the Teamimage instead of the Goblin Charbelcherimage could set you back 1 turn to a Turn 5 kill if you don't draw the Goblin Charbelcherimage naturally by Turn 3 which has a EV of 0.6 on the play and 0.66 on the draw.

For a ideal turn 4 kill:


* Turn 1 play a tap land.
* Turn 2 play a untap land and either Coldsteel Heartimage, Guardian Idolimage, or Mind Stoneimage.
* Turn 3 play a untap land and Goblin Charbelcherimage.
* Turn 4 activate Goblin Charbelcherimage.

☼ Try and get White, Black, and Green mana available for control spells like Hydroelectric Specimenimage, Assemble the Teamimage for tutoring, and bounce & removal spells like Witch Enchanterimage, Razorgrass Ambushimage, Sink into Stuporimage, and Fell the Profaneimage.

☼ Hold off tutoring Goblin Charbelcherimage with Assemble the Teamimage till Turn 3 as you have a EV of 0.6 on the play and 0.66 on the draw to draw a Goblin Charbelcherimage by Turn 3 without the tutor.

☼ Counter some control by baiting interaction with tutoring and extra mana rocks/dorks before playing the Goblin Charbelcherimage.

☼ Counter some control by waiting to play Goblin Charbelcherimage till you have the 4 generic mana to cast it and the 3 generic mana to activate it the turn it hits while waiting of a full tapout from the opponent.

☼ Counter some aggro by substituting the Turn 2 mana rock by holding up a Turn 2 Razorgrass Ambushimage.

☼ Counter some aggro by substituting the Turn 2 mana rock with Automated Artificerimage to block.

This deck is very janky and is either win or lose with a fairly fast average game length.


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Last Updated: 17 Jan 2025
Created: 17 Jan 2025
167 36 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (16 distinct)

Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (42)

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