Historic - Ignus Unlimited

8 28 0 24

"Ignus Unlimited"  is a Deck that does a variety of combos with Grinning Ignusimage and Birgi, God of Storytellingimage .  Create a spell loop with the two together with the  Mirror Marchimage  to create unlimited copies of the Ignus with haste, you may also  try to return those Ignus copies to your hand to generate unlimited colorless mana, which can be used to power up your  Volcanic Geyserimage  , lastly, even without mirror march you can do a 20x cast loop with Birgi and the Ignus to generate "Storm counts" before finally casting a lethal with Grapeshotimage , and you do all that in pure Mono Red.


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Last Updated: 27 Oct 2021
Created: 24 May 2021
103 318 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (12 distinct)

Creature (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (28)
Land (24)

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
6 12 18 0 0
0 0 0 0 0