Historic - Temur Clover | Historic BO1

14 7 15
24 9 0 27
Midrange Combo


* high-value cards itself, Lucky Cloverimage raises the value for Adventure-type cards

* respectable ramp opportunities starting on turn 3 (Fertile Footsteps + Lucky Clover) via double land fetch

* access to sidewishboard through Granted (be advised to use it with Lucky Clover unless you have a tough situation on the board)

* answers to almost any threat the opponent might be able to drop during the game - again via the wishboard

* card drawing engine using Edgewall Innkeeper and/or The Great Henge if you side- or mainboard it (be advised to curve Lovestruck Beast or Bonecrusher Giant on turn 3 with Innkeeper to start profit from the drawing ability)

* mid- and lategame crusher

* can overrun control decks with Lucky Clover engine - you damage/bounce/ramp/wish more than once and that makes control decks' life more difficult

* extremely fun and diverse because you don't have to change the main deck for the diversity - change your wishboard and have fun! :)



* you might face turn 4 lethal in your face if you don't have a proper starting hand and following draws (read the following point)

* it's very likely you will lose if your starting hand doesn't include Lucky Clover + Adventure-type cards and/or Innkeeper + Adventure creatures

* as all other decks Temur Clover can be ruined by rng deviation so be prepared for that and don't blame the deck

* you might lose your card after the main source of Adventure spell is countered or you missplayed it (bounce the same source as the copy does with the Brazen Borrower i.e.) - so be advised to practice against bot or friends

* the deck itself is not for the beginners so don't be disappointed if your results aren't positive early on - give yourself some time to adjust and adapt to the ranked meta or "Play" opponents


This deck stands for one of the best decks after recent Agent of Treachery and Fires of Invention cards bans in Standard (June, 5th 2020).

This is a mid-range deck capable of resisting early aggro attacks on turns 1-3 using Heart's Desire adventure spell of Lovestruck Beast creating tokens which can block mono-red early aggression.

The deck shines with the Wishboard (named after Granted adventure spell of Fae of Wishes creature card) being played with 1-2 (least 1) Lucky Clover on the board to get additional sideboard cards for 1 spell.

You may change sideboard according to the current meta or your personal taste and/or fun puproses :)



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Last Updated: 11 Aug 2021
Created: 28 May 2020
208 172 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (9)
Land (27)

Sideboard - 15 cards (15 distinct)


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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
14 12 30 4 0
4 5 5 1 0