Historic - UB Dredge - Boring Deck Series

20 32 4
20 20 0 20


Welcome to this entry in the "Boring Deck" series! For those unfamiliar, this is my write-up of a deck that I consider Boring and should not be played by anyone because it leverages a design mistake to an annoying degree. Therefore, would you kindly play something else.

Remember Magic will only persist as a game we can all enjoy together if people actually have enough fun to continue playing it, so do your part to keep the environment positive by not playing Boring Decks.



Dredge has been a time honored design space mistake since it was first introduced back in 2005. No matter how noble the initial intention, they done f**ked super-mega-ultra bad with that one. And, well, Wizards never properly learning their lesson means they continued to print cards that supported the strategy long after the keyword stopped being spelled out explicitly.

Let this Boring deck is an education for Magic Zoomers to learn:

  • 1. Why cards should definitely cost mana to cast.
    • The effects that allow the cards that make there way into the bin do not cost mana to get out and as such can be broken to result in the effective "casting" of double-digits worth on mana symbols onto the battlefield for 1-2 mana actually spent.
  • 2. Why properly "drawing" cards should be a respected game mechanic over just injecting material directly into a gamezone.
    • The Graveyard operating as a "second hand" that's unusually difficult to interact with allows for a unique and asymmetric angle of attack that's not fun or interesting to deal with.


The Deck:

The Payoffs:

image image image

The "Get Your Payoffs Into Play" Enablers:

Creature based: 

image image

Spell based:

image image

  • NOTE: The Learn mechanic allows you to Discard-Draw, so do use that to cycle any Ghouls or Amalgams you have stuck in your hand.


The "Draw" Spells:

image image image


Deck Construction Discussion:

As you can see, this deck is unusually simple in it's numbers; pretty much 4x of everything. It also happens to be incredibly tight with little possibility for variation/self-expression - yet another reason it's a Boring Deck.

The only real change I think you could make away from this list is to replace Cram Sessionimage with Chart a Courseimage, but we don't need any cards in our hand since the graveyard is our hand so the "card disadvantage" of the Draw-Discard mode of Learn is no real cost.



This is a linear aggressive deck that's only better than Red Deck Wins because it happens to gain life along the way and is resistent to non-exile based sweepers. If you really stretch the definition here are some mildly noteworthy matchups:

  • Soul Wardenimage Decks: They gain life from all the nonsense being cheated into play which allows them enough time to set-up a boardstate that isn't bothered by a half-dozen 3/Xs.
  • ... That's about it. Everything else is:
    • "Race to lethal before the opposition combo kills you".
      • Cascade/Discover.
      • Muxus.
      • Kethis.
      • Fragment Reality into Turn 1 Geist.
    • Fair decks are literally all just races too, but they don't have the finisher potential so there's time to rebuild at least once.

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Last Updated: 23 Nov 2023
Created: 23 Nov 2023
944 81 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (20)

Sideboard - 7 cards (6 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
12 17 31 0 0
4 1 2 0 0