Historic Brawl - B/W Selfdmgvalue

23 34
17 13 4 25
Midrange Control

The deck is lots of stronger how it seems. Sorin is a really powerfull commander. Played it very often before Theros, now changed some cards for the new stuff. WB is a strong colormix, because there are solid cards, hard-massremoval and also livegain which is extremly helpfull against aggro. 

The lifellink about sorins passiveability is pure gold in connection to the selvdmgdraw. Also it have a lots of exile-removal/massremoval. By the way a little tip, if you dont play blue with counter, better play exileremoval, because its a lots of stress if keycards always come back.

Its not rly a aggrodeck, but it can do some early pressure. But anyway its more a control/value-deck. The most impressive combo in this deck is Dreadhorde Invasion and Divine Visitation which gives you every turn a 4/4 flying. The zombie will create, change to Angeltoken. And in next upkeep you again have no Zombietoken anymore, its a nice synergy ;).


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Last Updated: 05 Aug 2020
Created: 05 Aug 2020
227 322 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (47 distinct)

Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (4)

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