Historic Brawl - BWG Nethroi Massreanimate

18 28 21
22 11 2 24
Midrange Jank


 The deck is a rly great ramp and endgamedeck which also can beat blue controldecks. Target is to get soon and much as possible creatures in graveyard to reanimate all with Nethrois Mutateeffect.

All creatures here are low atk or 0 attack so in most case you can reanimate all your creatures. There are plenty of small combos with corpse knight and cruel celebrant which can kill the enemy without attacking.

Trostani also made a great job against mass manipulation or other ugly blue stealstuff. Most creatures have come in play triggers and a lots of ramp and draw so can beat any deck in endgame.

Also a lots of massremoval you rly need against aggro and creaturematchups. And if our creatures die they will come again anyway with new come in play triggers. So no big deal to whipe your board too. 

I hope you enjoy, i find its a rly funny, strong and rare deck which is not the boring brawlmeta with Aggro, Teferi, or 5color Multicolordragon...



-1 Corpse Churn (out)

+1 Charming Prince (in)

Why the change? More creatures more blink. Sorcerys are dead cards in grave.


Also the maybeboard with lots of more exile-removal specially against gods. RG-God is rly awfull for this deck, and thassa stress a lot too, but there is no place... Would need to cut on spells, but there is no way in my opinion. Cutting on creatures is always a bad idea by this deck.

I would be rly happy if they change the rules to normal 100 cards commander. Also im often under 10-20 cards too with all the draw. Thats what commander is about. Long intensive hardcoregames, with a lots of draw, massremoval and extreme endgame ;). Thats why i play commander ;). And on all who plays aggro in commander, thats a nogo in my opinion... So pls enjoy to play real EDH with funny value and endgamecards ;)


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Last Updated: 06 Aug 2020
Created: 31 Jul 2020
314 429 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (54 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

Maybeboard - 25 cards (25 distinct)


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