Historic Brawl - How to be an Asshole

41 32
12 45 2 40
Midrange Control


Absolutely a Magic Arena only deck! Tasha, Unholy Archmageimage ONLY exists on Arena. The paper version with this art is entirely different, Tasha, the Witch Queenimage with entirely different activated abilties. 

Deck Goals

Get Tasha, Unholy Archmageimage down, and start the +1 to weaken attacks. Proliferate and stall until you can -6 her to rob the opponent of 3 creatures, whislt milling the rest revealed whilst doing this. We have cards like Jace, Architect of Thoughtimage that kind of mimics Tasha's +1, but it;s not a counter but useful at nerfing enemy attacks.

The rest of the deck is just proliferate cards, like Thrummingbirdimage and Guildpact Informantimage, and general scumbaggery like discard and hand hate. 

Key Cards

Tasha is the star of the show here so this deck falls apart as soon as she gets destroyed too much. We have ery few creatures in this deck because we want to completely neuter the opponent. Discard their hand, destroy their creatures, and make sure you cna do that whilst growing Tasha.

Hostage Takerimage, Demogorgon's Clutchesimage, Divestimage, Duressimage, Thoughtseizeimage, Thought Erasureimage - Destroy their resources. Often farms concedes for anyone who mulligans to 5-6.

Drown in the Ichor, Contentious Planimage, Experimental Auguryimage, Serum Snareimage, Vat Emergenceimage, Guildpact Informantimage, Flux Channelerimage, Thrummingbirdimage, Ichormoon Gauntletimage - Proliferate spells to help get tasha to 6 faster, and at best get her past 6 so she can stick around for another turn. 

Ritual of Sootimage, Pestilent Hazeimage, The Meathook Massacreimage - Decent board wipes against lower powered creatrues, which usually is enough with the -1/-1 counters going onto things and the control aspects of the deck.

Sludge Monsterimage, Toxrill, the Corrosiveimage - More -1/-1 counters, and also removes creatures entirely out of the equation. At worst, a distraction for the opponent to remove.

Upgrades / Subsitutes

Rusko, Clockmakerimage, Midnight Clockimage - Incredible mana rock in general that restocks your hand after a set amoutn of turns which can be expidited by paying 2U to add more counters on it. Ruscko cna be recurred and reanimeted to create more, and give leech pings.

Gulping Scraptrapimage - Double the proliferation, if you have the mana available.

More info to come soon.


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Last Updated: 24 Jan 2025
Created: 21 Jan 2025
429 77 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)

Mainboard - 99 cards (77 distinct)

Creature (12)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (45)
Land (40)
Planeswalker (2)

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