Historic Brawl - Lavinia's Hateful Humans

31 18
24 5 6 24
Aggro Jank


Lavinia’s Hateful Human

Are you tired of getting your face beat by turn 2 Oko, Thief of Crownsimage and turn 3 Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage? Are decks with Golos, Tireless Pilgrimimage and Fires of Inventionimage sucking the fun out of your Brawl experience? Then look no further! There’s a new sheriff in town, and she’s here to put your opponent’s turn 2 Oko to JAIL (if you’re going first and get it on the board)! So buckle up, ladies and elks, it’s time to force more human tribal jank!


This deck is all about this lady, a hate-bear that has seen absolutely no play in standard and is more playable the more expensive a format gets. But when I saw that beautiful “human” creature tag, I knew it was time to get to work. The deck revolves around sucking the fun out of your opponents game, by tapping their creatures, drawing cards, and making every play they make feel like misery. So now I present to you, the most annoying human ‘tribal’ list ever created!

The haters:

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Since our commander is a hate-bear, we must have out gang of haters. Apostle of Purifying Lightimage hates on black Bounty Agentimage hates on legendary non-planeswalker permanents, Tithe Takerimage hates on our opponent trying to interact with us, Tomik, Distinguishes Advokist hates on decks that run Nissa and Kiora, and most of our planeswalkers are all haters, making interaction a real pain for our opponents.

The cops:

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Elite Arresterimage, Giant Killerimage, and Law-Rune Enforcerimage are all cheap tappers and all humans, making our trio of 1 drops quite good at making attack phases very tricky for your opponent. Passwall Adeptimage allows for a creature of our choice to get in for free damage, Ardenvale Tacticianimage and Queen of Iceimage both have adventures that synergize well with our deck, and Conclave Tribunalimage is here to deal with any difficult Okospermanents.

The lifegain:

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The other subtheme this deck brings is that of life-gain, with Impassioned Oratorimage, Senate Guildmageimage, and Linden, the Steadfast Queenimage as the consistent sources of life. Charming Princeimage and Elite Guardmageimage not only go great together, they are both just great value cards.

The card draw:

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We are in blue, and what does blue do well? That's right, we draw cards WHILE we beat face. Tome of Legendsimage is here because our commander is a SOLDIER, dammit, and Dovin, Grand Arbiterimage is here to provide us with more card selection and board presence. Verity Circleimage is our cheeky card draw synergy with all the tappers, while Gadwick, the Wizenedimage can be great to cash in in the lategame, though if you have no other plays on turn 3 and can cast him, go for it. Inspiring Commanderimage rounds out the card draw with most of our creatures triggering it.

How do we win?

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Hero of Precinct Oneimage is ambitious, but our commander is a multicolored spell with a low casting cost, and she makes humans. Gideon Blackbladeimage is our big human beater, and Gideon's Companyimage and Twinblade Paladinimage both get bigger with our lifegain. Syr Elenora, the Discerningimage, Azorius Knight-Arbiterimage, and Azorius Skyguardimage are all obnoxious creatures to deal with, and can get in for a good amount of damage. Agent of Treacheryimage is a human, so he is our biggest bomb (bonus point for his synergy with Teferi, Time Ravelerimage and Charming Princeimage). And finally we have Icon of Ancestryimage, set to 'human' except when we play against Oko. In that case we hold onto it, build out our board, and set it to 'elk'.


The mana base:

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This deck runs 24 lands, and without green for mana acceleration it'you might want to go up to 25 to make sure, but we have a lot of card selection. You could run another island over a human you don't like much, but apart from that it's all quite basic. Castle Ardenvaleimage makes humans so that clearly goes in, and Castle Vantressimage can help us out when things are going VERY bad. Arcane Signetimage goes in because humans like things that are good.


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Featuring this on the front page. Keep up the great work!
Last Updated: 30 Oct 2019
Created: 30 Oct 2019
1183 321 1

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (45 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (5)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (6)

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