Historic Brawl - Mr. T's Pitiful Prison

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8 21 5 25

Mr. T Pities the Fool Who Tries to Cast Spells

Yep, you got it. We are doing yet ANOTHER deck that will make you the absolute least fun person to play with! Mr. T has been bouncing around with a few Brawl lists revolved around complete denial, and this deck is trying to make the most out of the most hateful color combination in Magic: Azorius!


We are a little late to the party on the whole Teferi-lockdown Brawl deck construction, but that doesn't mean we can't make a worse version of the deck by trying to maximize ways to make the experience shitty for our opponent. By denying, taxing, and benig a general pain to our opponents, we will either force them to concede or lock them down for cheesy mill victories, either on ourselves or our opponent.

You Can't Do That:

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We want to lock our opponents out of all the fun, and Teferi, Time Ravelerimage's passive text is probably the best way to do that in Magic. Combined with cards like Deafening Silenceimage and Rule of Lawimage, our opponents will only be casting one spell per turn cycle, and we can make sure that counts for nothing by using our full grip of counterspells on their singular spell. As bits of extra hate we have Lavinia, Azorius Renegadeimage to stop any early Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage shenanigans and big haymakers like Fires of Inventionimage; and Karn, the Great Creatorimage to stop any of our opponent's artifacts from working and possibly animating our God-Pharaoh's Statueimage.

Do You Pay?:

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To make the experience even more painful, we have ways to tax our opponents when they even try to cast their spells, slowing the game down to a glacial pace. Dovin, Hand of Controlimage's activated ability is useful if the opponent has a large creature threat, but mostly it is his passive text that is here to make opponents suffer. Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentorimage provides our hate board with some protection, making it harder for big Mass Manipulationimage swings to happen. As extra bits of extremely hateful tax we have Smothering Titheimage, which might ramp us but is mostly very annoying, and God-Pharaoh's Statueimage as both a heavy tax on all our opponent's spells but also is a win condition, albeit a slow-ass one.

Drawing It Up:

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We need ways to make sure our prison is equipped with the most annoying cards possible, and for that we run the trio of Anticipateimage, Shimmer of Possibilityimage, and Drawn from Dreamsimage, all cards that have been quite useful in my blue singleton decks. As more card selection and powerful hate we have Narset, Parter of Veilsimage to make our opponents feel extra bad whenever they forget about her text. Finally, Cavalier of Galesimage is just an excellent recurring body that lets us Brainstormimage as an ETB.

Dealing With a Breakout:

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Sometimes our opponent will find a way to slip through our cracks, either when our shields are down or when we haven't had time to set up the prison. For that, we have some cards to deal with pesky permanents that make their way onto the board. Brazen Borrowerimage is fantastic with counterspells and our denial cards, as well as being a possible beater if we manage to lock our opponent out. Deputy of Detentionimage shines when dealing with tokens, but can be a way to lock down a problematic permanent for some time. Prison Realmimage is a good way to deal with a big threat, and can also be recurred with our commander if necessary. We also run Cavalier of Dawnimage as he can just get rid of any important nonland permanent, and on death can bring back prison elements to our hand if our opponents destroyed them. We run Dream Eaterimage because it is such a fantastic card, and can be quite oppressive if we bounce the only permanent they were able to play on their turn. For board wipes we have Time Wipeimage and Real-Cloaked Giant, which even synergize with each other if you have the time for it, but mostly due to the value they give us in letting us reuse some of our stuff. We could be running Planar Cleansingimage but that would defeat the purpose of our prison.

I win, you lose:

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Okay so we need a way to win if our opponent is rude enough to not concede. For that we have some of the cheesiest and most annoying win conditions. Folio of Fanciesimage works really well with all our tax and denial, as our opponent will be forced to keep their cards in hand. Jace, Wielder of Mysteriesimage is for a cheesy win condition if we ever do end up going that late. Agent of Treacheryimage is one of the rudest-feeling cards in Standard, so of course it goes in the deck, with extra points for being reusable with Teferi's -3 ability. Finally, we have the meanest of cards, Emergency Powersimage, which can let us reset all libraries and put a huge permanent in play, but mostly is here for how it combos with Narset, Parter of Veilsimage, denying their card draw, or Smothering Titheimage, giving us a treasure token for every card they draw. This is the splashiest way to hurt our opponent, so we absolutely had to give it a shot.

Mana Issues:

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 My oh my, that's a lot of expensive spells there. We try to make do with one Arcane Signetimage, one Azorius Locketimage, and one Midnight Clockimage in case we don't draw up the mana we need, but if Smothering Titheimage gets to resolve it can help a lot with the mana issues. For lands we run the classic mana-sinks in Blast Zoneimage, Castle Vantressimage and Castle Ardenvaleimage, as we won't be able to cast many spells in one turn, having a way to get value from our mana van really help. We also run a Mystic Sanctuaryimage to recur some of our more valuable counterspells like Devious Cover-Upimage to keep on hurting our opponents as much as possible.

This deck almost cost me my marriage, do NOT play it against a loved one.



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Last Updated: 12 Nov 2019
Created: 12 Nov 2019
411 202 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (49 distinct)

Creature (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (21)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (5)

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