Historic Brawl - Ral's Big Burn

33 21
6 25 4 24

Ral's Big Burn

Ral's back at it again, baby! Izzet has always had a soft spot in my heart, and Ral is here to show the new heights this deck can attain! After playing that infinite damage deck enough times I got tired of clicking so many damn times for each point of damagem so this deck is all about copying some BIG spells, to kill them FAST. Time to take counterburn to a whole new level!


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This time we are making greater use of Ral's -2 ability of copying the next spell we cast this turn, to do BIG amounts of damage. The damage-per-click ratio of this combo is INSANE! Basically we have Inescapable Blazeimage and Sundering Strokeimage as our big damage finishers, and we want to use Repeated Reverberationimage, preferrably copying it with Ral, to copy it at least 5 times. That's not infinite damage, but it's around 35 to 40 damage with Ral triggers for 10 to 11 mana. Finale of Promiseimage also allows us to copy our big damage spells, for triple Inescapable Blazeimage and triple Sundering Strokeimage, for 49 damage even without the Ral triggers. Burn it ALL down!

We need mana:

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This deck need to ramp up pretty quickly so we run 5 different mana rocks, including the incredibly slow and ambitious Firemind's Vessel. With our big damage combo at a 10 mana minimum, getting these up early will be give you quite the advantage when playing the game. It's all the ones you'd expect, plus Mana Geodeimage because we REALLY need that mana. Midnight Clockimage has a 6 turn limit, but its ability to recycle your hand has come in quite handy in many matches when you can't draw your damage up in time, and lets us reuse our damage by just chucking it straight at our opponent's face.

Drawing it up:

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We want to draw our mana and our damage as fast as we can, so this deck only runs the best bang-for-the-buck card draw cards in its limited slots. Search through your deck for enough mana into an Invert // Inventimage for your finishers, or just draw for the answers necessary if your opponent is rude enough to dare threaten you. As a sidenote, I once was able to 2-for-1 my opponent's Gilded Gooseimage and Incubation Druidimage while going second by casting the Invert // Inventimage side of the card at the end of their turn and it was GLORIOUS!

Izzet Friends:

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We are dreaming big with this deck, and our friends are here to lend us a hand by basically being total dicks to our opponent. Narset, Parter of Veilsimage digs for our combo pieces and locks them out of drawing more cards, The Royal Scionsimage is just the best Izzet planeswalker (sorry Ral), Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentorimage gives us protection, card draw, and board presence, whle Ral, Izzet Viceroyimage can be a win condition on his own, if we fail to burn them out completely. Show them the amazing damage that the power of friendship can inflict!

Making it Easier:

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Sometimes we don't get the combos off. Sometimes we can't kill them in one turn. For that, we have some ways to smooth out the deck-playing experience. Electrostatic Fieldimage, Improbable Allianceimage, and Irencrag Pyromancerimage are ways to chip away at our opponents with damage or in the case of a pyromancer, deal with their early plays. Goblin Electromancerimage, God-Eternal Kefnetimage, and Omnispell Adeptimage all serve as ways to make our combos slightly less painfully expensive to pull off. Finally, we have Expansion // Explosionimage for that extra copy juice, allowing us to do extra tricky Izzet things or just EVEN more damage; and Niv-Mizzet, Parunimage because if you don't run Niv in your Izzet deck then you probably hate fun.

We Have Opponents:

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Sometimes, we have to deal with what our pesky opponents are trying to do. So we have some counterspells, with the Brawl all-stars Disdainful Strokeimage and Tale's Endimage, Negateimage and Lazotep Platingimage to deal with targeted removal, Ionizeimage for that extra little f-you to our opponents, and Mystical Disputeimage to give us the edge in counterspell wars. Finally we also run Beacon Boltimage for being two removal spells in one, as well as scaling quite well with what our deck does.


Castle Vantressimage Mystic Sanctuaryimage Interplanar Beaconimage

Shh... don't tell anyone this deck only runs 24 lands. It's usually fiiiine. Honestly this could use more islands if anything, if you can find a heart to cut some of the stuff in the deck I'd add two. I couldn't be bothered to do it to be honest. But the lands for an Izzet deck like this are simple. Castle Vantressimage and Mystic Sanctuaryimage are amazing extra value for us, and Interplanar Beaconimage Gives us a good bit of lifegain with all our walkers. Yeah, I don't know lands.



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Last Updated: 09 Nov 2019
Created: 08 Nov 2019
251 160 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (47 distinct)

Creature (6)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (4)

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