Historic Brawl - Razakombo

44 23
3 57 1 38

This is a storm combo, which means it relies on casting multiple spells on the same turn. To cast spells, we need mana and cards. The mana will be provided by a mix of Nyxbloom Ancientimage, Paradox Engineimage and mana rocks, such as Mox Amberimage, Cultivator's Caravanimage and The Great Hengeimage, which will untap everytime we cast a spell, providing more and more mana. The cards will be tutored by Razaketh, the Foulbloodedimage, for which we need sacrifice fodder. The main win-condition is Pestilent Cauldronimage, which will also untap with every spell we cast, so we can use its milling ability multiple times. The lifegain it requires will be provided by The Great Hengeimage and/or Weather the Stormimage. Tendrils of Agonyimage can be a simpler, and faster, win-condition.

The key to the combo is casting Old Stickfingersimage for X=3. This way, all of the deck's three creatures will be tutored into the graveyard. The next step is reanimating Young Necromancerimage, leaving one black mana still up. Young Necromancerimage will reanimate Razaketh, the Foulbloodedimage. The black mana will serve to cast Feign Deathimage or Malakir Rebirthimage on the necromancer, so she can also bring Nyxbloom Ancientimage from the graveyard after Razaketh sacrifices her to fetch the first mana rock, usually Mox Amberimage. In case we don't have Feign Deathimage or Malakir Rebirthimage in our hand, we'll have to fetch it by sacrificing Old Stickfingersimage or a creature other than the necromancer. We also have to be aware of having extra cards in the graveyard to exile for Young Necromancerimage before reanimating the creatures we need - in some cases, we need to leave Old Stickfingersimage in the graveyard instead of putting it back in the command zone.

With Nyxbloom Ancientimage on the battlefield, every mana rock we fetch with Razaketh will generate the extra mana we need to either cast more mana rocks or to finally cast Paradox Engineimage. We have to be mindful of casting the engine only if we have enough floating mana left to cast a spell in our hand and enough sacrifice fodder to tutor more spells with Razaketh - that's how the combo goes off. The steps required between reanimating Nyxbloom Ancientimage and casting Pestilent Cauldronimage, our win-condition, will vary depending on the resources we have available. However, there are some key cards that necessarily have to be cast during these steps: mana generators, which will be either free or net-positive-mana with Nyxbloom Ancientimage on the battlefield; creature token generators, such as Chatterstormimage, which will provide sacrifice fodder for Razaketh, the Foulbloodedimage; and Paradox Engineimage. Other cards that most likely will need to be cast are: Mox Amberimage, as it generates the most free mana with Nyxbloom Ancientimage; Cultivator's Caravanimage, since it is free with Nyxbloom Ancientimage and can be crewed to be sacrificed for Razaketh after generating mana; Harrowimage, as it can be cast with mana generated by Cultivator's Caravanimage and will generate 6 extra black and green mana for the following spells; The Great Hengeimage, since its lifegain effect, coupled with Paradox Engineimage, negates the life loss caused by Razaketh's ability; Diregraf Rebirthimage, since it counts as two cards and gives us sacrifice fodder before we can tutor Chatterstormimage; and Weather the Stormimage, as it gains us enough life to tutor more cards safely and accelerates the milling effect of Pestilent Cauldronimage.


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Last Updated: 02 Nov 2022
Created: 13 Oct 2022
1228 159 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (85 distinct)

Creature (3)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (57)
Land (38)
Planeswalker (1)

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