Historic Brawl - Saheeli's Dwarf Factory

19 10
13 20 2 24
Combo Jank

Saheeli and the Seven Dwarves


Felidar Guardianimage may just have been banned in Pioneer, but Saheeli Raiimage is ready to... oh wait wrong Saheeli. Saheeli, Sublime Artificerimage was jealous of her older sister versions and decided to make her own, very silly combo in Brawl! Welcome, to Saheeli's Dwarf Factory, where we make dwarves and even more dwarves and throw them at our opponent's face!




Get your pickaxes ready, we're mining for the silliest combo decks available in Brawl! This deck's original idea came from reddit user ElWazo who was kind enough to share the idea and let me mangle his deck into something monstrous. This deck has been tuned for maximum meme value.

What are we doing?

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Grab your pickaxes people, we're making dwarves! When I first saw this idea it tickled me tremendously. Seven Dwarvesimage breaks the singleton rule in Brawl in a similar way to Persistent Petitionersimage, but it has its limitations at 7. Our deck's main goal is to break that rule by copying as many Seven Dwarvesimage as possible. For that, we have the classics Quasiduplicateimage, Spark Doubleimage, and the very ambitious Mirror Marchimage. Spark Double can also double up for another Saheeli, for it is her -2 effect on our dwarves that brings many of the cards in this deck online. Mirromade can also become a dwarf, or any other big artifact or enchantment we have to make our army powerful, and Masterful Replicationimage can target our artifact dwarf copies to make all artifacts some very very big creatures.

Using our robodwarf army:

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These cards will help our dwarf explosion get it in there for the big W. Manifold Keyimage can make one big dwarf unblockable, or untap it if it is an artifact if necessary. Steel Overseerimage will buff our artifact creatures for extra counters whenever they become a dwarf, and Flingimage is a hilarious way to yeet one huge dwarf straight at our opponent's face. Crashing Drawbridgeimage will give all our dwarves haste if the coast is clear, and serves as a good blocker in the early stages. Icon of Ancestryimage set to dwarf will help us find at least a few dwarves every now and then, but mostly it will make our cheerful friends bigger. Shambling Suitimage is not a dwarf, but he can get pretty enormous in this deck, and has synergy with both Mirror Marchimage and Crashing Drawbridgeimage for surprise damage.

Drawing the cards:

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We gotta find many pieces to this weird combo, and for that we have a lot of card draw. Anticipateimage, Drawn from Dreamsimage, and Chemister's Insightimage serve as ways to dig deep into our decks for the cards we need, while the artifacts Witching Wellimage, Golden Eggimage, and Guild Globeimage can replace themselves or become dwarves later with Masterful Replicationimage if there is an artifact dwarf already copied. Emry, Lurker of the Lochimage is here to give extra value on our artifacts, especially those we can sacrifice and replay from our graveyards. Finally, we have Royal Scions to help us draw the cards we need and buff a dwarf for more damage, first strike, and trample.

Protecting the robodwarves:

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We are kind of a dumb combo deck so we have some pretty fragile pieces we'd like to keep around or not be countered. Negateimage and Mystical Disputeimage are here to help keep some of our pieces from being removed or countered, and Tale's Endimage will stop a commander that completely counters our strategy. Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentorimage helps keep our dwarves and Saheeli safer from direct removal, as well as drwaing through the deck and adding to the board.

Getting the mana:

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Our plan is pretty ambitious, and we are going to need a good deal of mana to get it going. Arcane Signetimage is an obvious inclusion, and Heraldic Bannerimage set to red will give our dwarves that extra boost to power. Midnight Clockimage can help us in case things go very wrong and we need to shuffle our graveyard but it mostly gives us good mana. Izzet Locketimage gets the include for both drawing cars and giving us mana of both the colors we need.


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The manabase for this deck feels pretty okay. We run Interplanar Beaconimage because our commander is a planeswalker, Mystic Sanctuaryimage to bring back any of our more powerful copy or draw spells, and both castles to help us get the edge with that extra scry and power pump whenever necessary.

Heigh ho!


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Last Updated: 06 Nov 2019
Created: 05 Nov 2019
1026 368 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (40 distinct)

Creature (13)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

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