MTGA Events - ARTISAN_BR-Party

28 16
24 12 0 24
Aggro Jank

This is an ARTISAN (uncommon/common only) deck I put together, because I wanted to flesh out some underutilized cards in Magic: The Gathering. In Zendikar Rising we have the "Party" mechanic, which I find is a bit underappreciated in my opinion and I wanted to do something with my cardboard at home. Thus came this deck list.


This is mainly an aggressive deck trying to equip Ravager's Maceimage on turn 3. It's the draft signature card in the set for black/red and attaching it automatically to a creature and attacking right away is what makes me like this card enough to grant a deck with it.

At first I had Fireblade Chargerimage in the deck, as it comes with the set, but Goblin Javelineerimage is simply an upgrade, because of the haste and the 1 DMG ping if blocked.

Acquisitions Expertimage can slow down OP early and take out some problematic cards if triggered later in the game.

Malakir Blood-Priestimage you don't want to see early, but I kept a play-set of 4 in the deck, as they can REALLY rack up life gain/life loss later on.

Fissure Wizardimage let's us throw away any duplicate/unwanted cards for a new card and works as a support role.

Grotag Bug-Catcherimage can get huge with the right board, I was able to attack for 7 trampling, menace DMG twice in a row. <insert "that's a lot of damage" meme here>

Demon's Discipleimage is kind of a no-go, as we want as many creature types as possible, but this deck does work on 3 out of 4 party members and the removal come's in handy. It also works very well with Morbid Opportunistimage, which grants us more cards when something dies.

Thundering Sparkmageimage can sometimes get pesky blockers out of the way, sometimes it feels kind of bad not being able to kill anything, however it's still one of the better wizards for this deck, as dealing with blockers is crucial.

Deadly Allianceimage and Thwart the Graveimage are AMAZING! These cards are really worth the deal. The mana cost reduction is undervalued and killing off something for 3 mana is not too bad, or bringing back TWO creatures with ALL the ETB effects in this deck feels just right.


- 12 sources of each mana should give us 86% chance of turn 1 mana. It's not really that bad if we don't do anything T1.


EVALUATE your initial 7 cards. If you can go down the aggro route, go for it, but DON'T force it. This deck is absolutely capable of taking it's time. Also, don't be afraid to trade, as long as you can keep the mana cost of the Deadly Allianceimage and Thwart the Graveimage in a managable range.


I will be building several flavorful 60 card artisan decks, with mechanics i deem strong enough to built around. Keep an eye out for the next one.

Thank you for reading!


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Last Updated: 11 Jan 2023
Created: 08 Dec 2021
1224 394 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (13 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (24)

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