MTGA Events - ARTISAN_UB-Rogues

31 16
16 23 0 21
Midrange Jank

This is an ARTISAN (uncommon/common only) deck I put together, because I wanted to flesh out some underutilized cards in Magic: The Gathering. In the set Zendikar Rising we have the card Soaring Thought-Thiefimage with “flash”, “flying” and “mill” and I wanted to do something with my cardboard at home. Thus came this deck list to life.


Soaring Thought-Thiefimage is the signature draft card from the set and boy does this piece of cardboard create some emotions. I remember playing against the rogues when they first appeared after the set came out and it was a roller coaster ride vs. that deck. “Flash” makes it an instant speed nuisance, “flying” is slapped on there, because of the dr*** WotC took – looking at you Brushfire Elementalimage - whilst creating the sets in that year and the “mill” effect requires more rogues. I actually believe the “mill” in this deck is the SECONDARY focus, as I had more success with the tempo variant, than the mill variant. Therefore, the rest of the deck is built with that in mind.

Merfolk Windrobberimage is in the deck for the “flying”, card draw and repeatable “mill”. Simply an upgrade over Zulaport Duelistimage. Pretty good 1-drop.

Speaking of such, Ruin Crabimage is a good blocker when the initial 7 cards are on the slow side. This creature also draws out attention like no other. IF a creature can go the mill route, it is this one! While play testing early versions of this deck, I was able to mill out an esper control deck. Pretty funny. (If you don't like the Crab, swap it out for Zulaport Duelistimage.

Nimana Skydancerimage, similar to the Thought-Thief, “flash”, “flying”, “mill 2 ETB”, a perfect curve topper and enough power to attack down life totals. All three effect warrant a spot in the deck, as it does all what this deck looks for. 20 creatures in total, including a “mill” theme feel just about right for a tempo deck like this.

Disdainful Strokeimage and Negateimage are normally side board cards, but in Bo1, I like them as a 1-of.

Test of Talentsimage made the deck, because we can take out four cards out of the deck, by countering one spell: “mill”-ish enough for me.

Saw It Comingimage is the counter “anything” in this deck, as it's the only card that can go down to two mana.

Infernal Graspimage is the cheapest removal with a good effect.

Poison the Cupimage is Infernal Graspimage 5 and 6.

Glacial Graspimage works well enough for the tempo play. Drawing a card comes in handy paired with “mill” some cards fit the deck well. I actually won a game off of this card while testing the deck.

Behold the Multiverseimage is in the deck for a little bit more card draw. I was hellbent a few games and topdecking is not a good position for this deck.

Malakir Rebirthimage keeps up the pressure when board wipes happen and serves as an extra land for the Crab.

Jwari Disruptionimage rounds out the counter spell package, I use it more often as a land trigger than anything else, but it gets the job done, when OP isn't paying attention.


12 lands in each colour make for 86% chances turn1 fix, 90% chance on turn 2. 3x Evolving Wildsimage seems like the right spot, as 4x of those were actually hindering my tempo game early on.


Like all controlling types, the lack of proper board wipes will make you lose to hyper aggressive creature decks like goblins, mono white, or mono green. Losing 2 life due to removal doesn't help much either, but this deck can definitely hold its own more often than not. Especially against control decks, this can be a blast to pilot. Keep your plays at instant speed and go with the flow. Don't snap react on the counter spells and judge the threats wisely on the board with the few removal spells in the deck and you should be good


I will be building several flavourful 60 card artisan decks, with mechanics I deem fun enough to built around. Keep an eye out for the next one.

Thank you for reading!


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Last Updated: 12 Apr 2022
Created: 17 Dec 2021
727 443 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (23)
Land (21)

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