MTGA Events - ARTISAN_WU-Party

16 24
16 21 0 23
Midrange Jank

This is an ARTISAN (uncommon/common only) deck I put together, because I wanted to flesh out some underutilized cards in Magic: The Gathering. In the set Zendikar Rising we have the “Party” mechanic, which I find is a bit underappreciated and I wanted to do something with my cardboard at home. Thus came this deck list to life.

MAIN: (Please read, very important to understand how to pilot this deck)

Spoils of Adventureimage is the white/blue signature draft common from the set and it REQUIRES creatures on the battlefield! Only then will it become a better version of itself. Therefore, I went for the tempo oriented play style. Even if we play this card for 4 mana, drawing 3 cards AND gaining 3 life is great!

Stonework Packbeastimage Is ironically the “best” party member, enabling the missing creature types is a boon to this deck, as it only contains 16 creatures total.

Twinblade Geist // Twinblade Invocationimage is a 2 mana warrior that can be re-utilized later in the game to make our finishers stronger by enchanting Seafloor Stalkerimage for closing out the game.

Professor of Symbologyimage is a 2 mana cleric, that helps us filter our hand, or get some “Lessons” from the side board. Keeping up card value in hand is necessary.

Seafloor Stalkerimage is better than it looks. I've closed out more games than I initially thought I would to be convinced enough and after all, I did want to build a “party” related deck.

Whispering Wizardimage being able to create flyers off of any non-creature spell is good. Either this wizard annoys the hell out of OP, or runs away with the game. This creature is the second win condition in this game. Play around him in this deck. WotC didn't “downgrade” this effect for no reason: R.I.P Murmuring Mysticimage

Concerted Defenseimage will often be “just” enough for crucial spells we can't afford happening. Each creature type will add an extra mana tax on top of the 1 it already asks for. AGAIN, this card requires creatures on the board to be good.

Journey to Oblivionimage is self explanatory. Not much to say here. Use this 1 for 1 wisely.

Jwari Disruptionimage will be best at turn 2, or turn 4, when OP wants to progress the board and not interact with you. On the other hand, don't be shy to play this as a land. This deck needs to hit land drops!

Fading Hopeimage and Divide by Zeroimage are two cards that will slow down the board state, or even tempo out some turns. Don't snap react. Analyse the board, the cards in your hand and use these effects to “outmanoeuvre” OP.

Saw It Comingimage gives us more to do on turn 2, for setting up our game. This is the only counter spell that hits any other card. Use it wisely.

Makindi Stampedeimage is in here for the land count of the deck. The only useful moment will be on board with several flying tokens from Whispering Wizardimage.


15 sources of blue mana should give us about 93% chance of turn 1 mana. 12 sources of white are 90% turn 2 mana.


The biggest issue with this deck, is that the party mechanic requires creatures and with out them, many cards of the deck will underperform. Maybe by replacing Whispering Wizardimage with Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberrationimage will make the deck perform better, but then we lose out on Journey to Oblivionimage and then we don't have a dedicated party-deck any more. On the flip side, OP will probably not feel threatened by you until it's too late and you locked out the game with your counter spells. Good luck!


I will be building several flavourful 60 card artisan decks, with mechanics i deem strong enough to built around. Keep an eye out for the next one. 

Thank you for reading!


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Last Updated: 11 Jan 2023
Created: 08 Dec 2021
1198 420 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (15 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (21)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 7 cards (5 distinct)


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