Modern - Blitz - Boros

10 28 7
15 25 0 20

Deck Summary

The purpose of this deck is to cast a lot of spells in a turn and attack face. 

There's 8 cantrips via Niveous Wispsimage, Crash Throughimage, and Manamorphoseimage as well as some impulsive draw via Light Up the Stageimage to keep cards coming. 

Effectively there are 9 spells that don't net a mana cost via Mutagenic Growthimage, Gut Shotimage, and Manamorphoseimage; plus Lava Dartimage can be cast twice by tapping a Mountainimage and then sacrificing a mountain, giving you two spells for 1 mana and sacrificing a land. 

Crash ThroughimageNiveous Wispsimage, and Lightning Boltimage will allow you to get past your opponent's creatures.  Lava Dartimage can also be used to remove a creature if it's a small enough blocker. 

Having two creatures in any combination of Clever Lumimancerimage, Leonin Lightscribeimage, or Monastery Swiftspearimage on the board, as well as a cantrip and spell to get past creatures in hand is the game state you're looking for.

Boros Charmimage and Show of Confidenceimage are your finishers in the deck.  Boros Charmimage is very flexible and can either be a burn spell or give doublestrike to an attacker.  Show of Confidenceimage is very strong with the Clever Lumimancerimage or Leonin Lightscribeimage. If you've cast two spells prior to Show of Confidenceimage then you'll get 5 Magecraft triggers and three +1/+1 counters, this just snowballs with three prior spells or even four prior spells.

One important thing to remember about Mutagenic Growthimage is that it can be used as a way to protect your creatures from burn spells like Lightning Boltimage even if you are tapped out.  Also if you happen to be in a matchup against Burn removal options, you'll want to bring in Mortal's Ardorimage from the side board as additional protection for your white creatures from Burn removal.  Successfully attacking with the lifelink from the card might just mean that you win from having extra health.

If you get in matchups where you can't protect your creatures, Lurrus of the Dream-Denimage can help you grind out a win.  Consider casting Lurrus after having 4 mana available to ensure you get a creature from the graveyard.  Also if you are in a grindier more drawn out matchup, consider The Flame of Keldimage from the side board to give you card draw that you can combine with Lurrus.

Also in the side board are Path to Exileimages for hard to remove creatures and Soul-Guide Lanternimage with Tormod's Cryptimages to deal with graveyard decks.


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Last Updated: 28 Apr 2021
Created: 28 Apr 2021
608 188 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (15)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Land (20)

Sideboard - 14 cards (7 distinct)


Maybeboard - 1 cards (1 distinct)


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3 7 3 1 0