Modern - Token Boros

29 16 4
20 19 2 24

Hey guys!!!

This is my Token Boros deck I have made. Its goal is to create some tokens to overrun the enemy and to gain life from every time one enters the battlefield with Soul Warden and Ajani's Welcome. I also have Tajic, Legion's edge to prevent board wipes such as Star of Extinction.


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That's a bit better, might want Tajic (he isn't a token maker and won't protect against cards like planar cleansing and other boardwipes but will protect against damage related boardwipes)
I probably would drop all copies of Dawn Charm and maybe a copy of young pyromancer considering there are definitely better token cards considering you are not a instant/sorcery main deck (like Izzet Phoenixes)
Last Updated: 15 May 2019
Created: 16 Apr 2019
204 131 3

Mainboard - 65 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
33 15 17 0 0
0 0 0 0 0