Pioneer - (ETB) Drink From the Vein

17 26
8 27 0 25

Life Gain deck abusing ETB triggers and Bolas's Citadelimage to allow for using life instead of mana.

Goal is to get a couple of life gain triggers (Ajani's Welcomeimage or Impassioned Oratorimage) out, and use Dawn of Hopeimage for additional card draw.

Epicure of Bloodimage will tax health on every drop. Once you hit critical mass, Bolas's Citadelimage will let you redeem life for spells, often at a life-profit.


Call to the Feastimage lets you stack triggers quickly, and field a bunch of blockers. You can also use Dawn of Hopeimage for more blockers. When in doubt, feel free to use Bolas's Citadelimage to blow up your own board... and then win.


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Last Updated: 05 Nov 2019
Created: 14 Jul 2019
107 54 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (27)
Land (25)

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