Arena Standard - Argosy Mosey

15 12 12
18 18 0 24

Argosy Mosey


I started out with drag to the bottom as a compliment to meathook, but it only kills 4 toughness without dicking up the lands, so I swapped them for depopulate. It seems better, especially with the nimble larcenist, getting you the card draw.

The Argosy can be crewed by multiple creatures ensuring that you get mutiple triggers.  I also think you could replace the schemeing fence and the circuitmender and replace them with the B1 1/1 that causes opponent to discard, and/or the beetle that does the same.  I haven't tried it yet, will probably do so tommorow.

Unliscened hurst is a must have in this format, and i'd love to run 3 but there just wasn't enough room.  The argosys can also crew a bankbuster, because vehicles can drive vehicles.
There is nothing quite as satisfying as crewing a argosy with 3 creatures, having them exile, then meathooking for 4 or 5, and having all your creatures come back. 

It has performed fairly well against, monoblack liloldred, and that's enough for me to keep playing it currently. 


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Last Updated: 14 Sep 2022
Created: 14 Sep 2022
68 40 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (24)

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