Arena Standard - Azorius Flyers IKO BO1

36 20
31 7 0 22
Aggro Midrange

Has been working like a charm, especially against Gyruda, Doom of Depthsimage combo decks that don't expect the Hushbringerimage. Also works decently against Dimir Flash, if you manage to get a Skycat Sovereignimage down bevore the Counterspell parade begins. Frequent sources of Lifelink help mitigate damage from other Aggro decks a bit and Rally of Wingsimage can lead to a blowout from a surprise block or sometimes helps getting that last bit of damage in.

--> Might add a third Rally of Wings and reduce the land count to 22.


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Last Updated: 18 May 2020
Created: 30 Apr 2020
131 131 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (13 distinct)

Creature (31)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Land (22)

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