Arena Standard - BioGenic

2 16 6 32
27 4 6 23
Midrange Combo

BioGenic is combining Biogenic Oozeimage and Risen Reefimage together with the help of Arcane Adaption.

Ther are multiple combinations in BioGenic. Biogenic Oozeimage, Risen Reefimage, Evolution Sageimage, Arcane Adaption, and Field of the Deadimage. You do not need both Risen Reefimage and Biogenic Oozeimage out at the same time, but in order to make the deck effective, Arcane Adaption is required and is the heart of the deck to run effectively. If you lose that, then Biogenic Oozeimage is your backup followed by Risen Reefimage with Field of the Deadimage.

The way I have it designed is whatever you come across first, Risen Reefimage or Biogenic Oozeimage, that is the creature type you bring out an Arcane Adaption with, first. Combining these two cards together allows for fast land and creature creation due to the draw, as well as making all of your creatures gain a massive amount of +1/+1 counters at the same time.

Using Saheeli, Sublime Artificerimage to duplicate your Biogenic Oozeimage or Roalesk, Apex Hybridimage adds even more +1/+1 counters to all your creatures, by duplicating Roalesk to proliferate twice, or Biogenic to add +1/+1 counters to those that do not yet have them.

Once you obtain both your Arcane Adaption cards on the board for Elemental and Ooze, every creature gains +1/+1 counters, draws cards and land, proliferates with help of the Evolution Sageimage, and creates more creatures with Field of the Deadimage to replicate the loop consistently.

Karn brings in certain artifacts to help out in pinch type scenarios such as using Sorcerous Spyglassimage to block out Planeswalkers, Chamber Sentryimage to directly hit fliers, Meteor Golemimage to destroy pesky Enchantments and other targets that are annoying you.

Icon of Ancestryimage works for Ooze or Elemental and is a great addition to cycling the deck for creatures.

Becareful when using Risen Reefimage though, as once you get Field of the Deadimage on the battlefield... you can quickly deck yourself. If you succesfully pull off 2 Risen Reefs, you can add 10-20 +1/+1 counters to all your creatures, per turn. I personally recommend only using 1 Risen Reefimage at a time once you get everything in place.


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Last Updated: 15 Aug 2019
Created: 15 Aug 2019
132 148 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (27)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (23)
Planeswalker (6)

Sideboard - 14 cards (9 distinct)


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