Arena Standard - Bontu - The Shaper of Worldy Mysteries

25 17 20
12 15 7 26
Combo Jank

This is a fun World Shaper + God-Eternal Bontu combo utilizing no hand limit and massive card draw from sacrificing lands + "World Shaper" to gain card advantage and then resummon all your land to the battlefield *Tapped* - it also has the ability to fully mill yourself AND if you can land a Jace on the board.. you get a spicy victory instead of just breaking their HP - have fun breaking their spirit . . .

Kaya's ghostform has proven to have good synergy on World Shaper / Bontu combo's

Scapeshift has been very good to Trash some land to the graveyard in preperation for a World Shaper to die and trigger it's passive to bring all the land back from the graveyard. This Mechanic helps sift through your massive land quantities in the deck to get more value from your draws, plus it's a good form of self mill to get closer to that Jace win con option

Will continue to adjust and add sideboard suggestions soon..


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Last Updated: 11 Jun 2019
Created: 04 Jun 2019
538 137 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (12)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (26)
Planeswalker (7)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
4 3 39 14 0
4 5 4 2 0