Arena Standard - Demonic Kittens

37 16
4 30 2 24


Hey there. I am happy to introduce a standard decklist for a new combo in MtG: Foundations centered around the cards:

image image

The former yields absurd card advantage which is balanced by its fourth option, forcing immediate concession. This is where Harmless Offeringimage comes in. After three turns, we may give control of Demonic Pactimage, killing the opponent in their upkeep. 

The rest of the deck is comprised of various methods for tutoring up the combo pieces, some removal and big finishers for grindy matchups. 

Insatiable Avariceimage gives us a straightforward manner to find any missing card and is often played on Turn 3 for card draw. Likewise, Beseech the Mirrorimage can cheat Demonic Pactimage into play by sacrificing an enchantment or a possible Treasure Token.

Regarding the enchantments: Disturbing Mirthimage provides great card advantage, can sacrifice DP in the absence of HO and itself often sacrifices Gready Freeboooter. Once we Bargain it to another card, such as Beseech the Mirrorimage on Turn 4, or Disturbing Mirthimage itself, we get a free 2/2. It can be heartbreaking to manifest a HO. The deck barely runs creatures and Artist's Talentimage allows us to quickly get through the deck. Upgrading it to Level 2 is great, and Level 3 synergises with Torch the Towerimage and the damage option of DP.

Right, concerning the removal: Torch the Towerimage can get rid of annoying Llanowar Elvesimage, Heartfire Heroimage or (Insert anoying low health creature here). Importantly, we can sacrifice DP to Torch the Towerimage should we not have HO ready. Go for the Throatimage is great for knocking out big creatures as instant speed removal. Pyroclasmimage is a cheap removal against wide boards, though it's been a bit underwhelming in playtesting. On the other hand, Blasphemous Edictimage is a fantastic board clear, and Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage provides great removal, whilst defending herself and yielding more card advantage.

Getting the removal right is a bit tricky and depends on the meta. May be subject to change. 

Rite of the Dragoncallerimage provides a plan B should we lose either all Harmless Offeringimage in the deck or Demonic Pactimage through discard, mulligan or, say, Deadly Cover-Upimage. There's an additional copy in the sideboard for grinding matchups, should either get removed, and the enchantment can be tutored up by any of the aforementioned cards. 

The landbase is straightforward and has mostly black lands; hitting these black manaresources is crucial for casting Turn 3 Insatiable Avariceimage. One can substitute the newly reprinted Scry lands; often we want to Scry instead of Surveilling to prevent either of the combo pieces of landing in the graveyard.


There's a lot more specific removal in the Sideboard. Against Enchantment centered decks we have Withering Tormentimage; Bitter Triumphimage and Shealdred's Edict are used against Planeswalkers.

Untimely Malfunctionimage often proves to be a great tool against blue control decks. The card may be used as a counter-counterspell to resolve our win conditions; alternatively we can redirect incoming enchantment removal, and Get Lostimage is a perfect target for this card. The artifact removal is also useful.

In grindy matchups or against reanimation decks, The Cruelty of Giximage may steal their creatures and tutor up any of the desired cards. 

There's also an additional copy of Harmless Offeringimage should the need arise.



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Last Updated: 16 Nov 2024
Created: 16 Nov 2024
331 40 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (4)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (30)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 15 cards (9 distinct)


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