Arena Standard - Doom Foretold with a Twist (bo1)

23 14 27
2 28 4 26
Control Combo


This deck was incredibly fun to play so i wanted to share. It's a variation of the Doom Foretoldimage lists, using Teferi's Time Twistimage instead of the usual artifacts. This makes the deck more inconsistent but enables incredible combinations.

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Some combos:

*Might need full control or putting a stop*


Doom Foretoldimage + Teferi's Time Twistimage on your draw step to cycle a card, get a 2/2 and have it return at the end of turn to bite your opponent. (If your hand is empty you simply draw a card!)

Doom Foretoldimage + Teferi's Time Twistimage on the opponent's end step makes it skip your turn, so you don't have to sacrifice anything, and then it comes back for them.

These two combos are deceptively strong. They don't expect Doom Foretoldimage to survive as it's your only card on the board so they often play an important card which they end up sacrificing. Meanwhile Doom Foretoldimage survives for another turn and that gives you precious time, since they have to consider doing the same again.

Oath of Kayaimage + Teferi's Time Twistimage for an extra Kaya activation. This one helped a lot vs aggressive decks as Teferi's Time Twistimage can be a dead card in these matchups.

Wishclaw Talismanimage + Teferi's Time Twistimage to get any card from your deck, but the Talisman will return to you at the end of turn. Weaker than the rest but still really annoying, if you fetch Teferi you can get a second card for free next turn and bounce the Talisman.

Wishclaw Talismanimage to fetch Teferi, Time Ravelerimage (that's well known) and bounce it back to your hand for a 4 mana Teferi.

Finally Scholar of the Agesimage loops with Teferi's Time Twistimage, as it returns constantly on the board getting you one extra instant or sorcery. You can Agonizing Remorseimage at their draw step every turn(!) and keep comboing with Scholar locking them out of any outs.

Teferi, Time Ravelerimage + Teferi's Time Twistimage : Saves Teferi from attacks or removal and returns him at your end step. It's surprisingly strong, as both parts of the combo are protected from instants, and when Teferi returns again they can't easily interact.

I'm pretty sure various improvements can be made. In it's current form it did pretty well in Platinum.

The biggest problem is knowing when and where to put stops, because casting Teferi's Time Twistimage at the end of a turn makes the card return one turn later, which sometimes can be too late. It's also very common to use Thought Erasureimage and Teferi's Time Twistimage at draw steps, and I've made mistakes way too many times with that. For example i had Teferi, Time Ravelerimage +1, Doom Foretoldimage triggered drawing me Thought Erasureimage and i hadn't put a stop so they drew and entered main phase before i could use it. Similar things happened constantly.



Edit 21/12/19: Made it to Diamond! As expected the simic flash matchup is nearly impossible to beat.

Made some changes and improvements, added a sideboard. Will try Brazen Borrower tomorrow.

Edit 16/1/20: Various Theros changes. Haven't tested yet.


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awesome fun deck that i hope doesnt gain in popularity and stays a hidden gem :D
So ... just to get it right ... normally Doom Foretold would sacrifice itself when I have no other permanent in play. But ... because I exile Doom Foretold it cannot be sacrificed and it triggers like it would at opponents draw step??? Wow ... that's a nice synergy!!!
Well if you respond to your own doom foretold trigger with Time Twist you (may) have nothing to sacrifice, and so Doom Foretold effect triggers: You lose and gain 2 life, discard and then draw a card and create a 2/2, and you can't sacrifice it for the last effect as it's exiled. Then it comes back at the end of turn.
Awesome deck, was trying to mess around with something similar when i did the standard foretold deck but yours is great. I did end up pulling mortify, realm cloak, 1 tyrant and trying shepherd of the flock, mission briefing and cavalier of dawn. Cav is sick with it, the neuter effect is great with the flicker mechanic on top of being able to return whichever artifact/enchant might be needed and the token doesnt apply to DOOM. Keep us posted on the updates
How would DOOM and TTT be a combo on your own draw step? I think after the upkeep trigger maybe. But by the time you Draw TTT THE DOOM will do nothing.
Last Updated: 16 Jan 2020
Created: 19 Dec 2019
4920 570 5

Mainboard - 60 cards (24 distinct)

Creature (2)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (28)
Land (26)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 15 cards (9 distinct)


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