Arena Standard - Frog Dreams (2021)

8 16 46
20 18 0 22
Midrange Control

As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention... but Billy Red is the father of it. Of course I jest, but my actual point is, I got tired of people casting creatures and planeswalkers with abilities that ruined my day, so I decided to do something about it. So without further ado, I bring you Frog Dreams! 

There are a few shells that, by now y'all should know by the volume of content I post (are you reading this aetherhub?), that I find very powerful. Among my favorite is the hateful eidolon/ enchantment removal shell. By now y'all should also know I like to build my decks low to the ground, which isn't easy with the current power levels in standard. Anyhow, I recently built a orzhov deck that is pretty fun to play, but it can be weak to Ugin and mono green stomp. So I started to rack my brain on how I would fix the shell, then the answer became obvious to me, cut white, and use blue instead. With the new set dropping in just a few short days I almost didn't post this deck, but I really think it has legs so I would be doing yall a disservice by not sharing it so here we go... Frog Dreams!

*This deck has been edited to fit 4 copies of Agadeems Awakening.*

On turn one we have two plays, of which we run four copies of each; Hateful Eidolon, and Dead Weight. If we are on the play we slam the Eidolon, if we are on the draw against aggro use the dead weight. I caution using the dead weight on monored's ferverent champion unless we have more removal in our hand for the next turn as we'd rather make sure we get rid of that pesky robber of the rich; the last thing we want is monored also having access to our sweet black and blue cards. I also want to mention for those that aren't aware, if we have Hateful Eidolon out and remove our opponents creature with an enchantment, we get to draw a card for each enchantment attached to the creature we remove, so we lose absolutely no card advantage.

Turn two is where we have most of our plays. For the deck's namesake, we run four copies of frogify, this card is dope and will not only save our kiesters, but allow us even more card draw in the case we remove the creature while we have an Eidolon on the board. We use frogify because otherwise card like elder gargoroth, terror of the peaks, kroxa, Uro, and generally anything with cool abilities can ruin our plan, these creatures are simply too big bodied for our enchantment removal to handle, so we make them small, destroy them with our enchantments, draw cards, and lose no card advantage. Originally we ran four copies of mires grasp but replaced them with four copies of nightmare shepherd once we got to the higher ranks to protect from sweepers and removal in general. Originally we ran three copies of ominous seas, but found the card too slow at higher ranks, it was replaced by three copies of murderous rider to help remove creatures and planeswalkers on the fly. Originally we also ran two copies of aphemia, but cut them for two extra mana so we could reliably hit nightmare Shepherd on curve. We also run three copies of Brazen Borrower and do not mind using petty theft on turn two to bounce whatever needs bouncing to make sure our opponents tempo is ruined. And of course, no deck with blue would be complete without fae of wishes. Against aggro we do not hesitate to use it as a 1/4 flying blocker, but against ramp, green mutate, and control we want to use the granted side of the card, grab our spyglass, and insure Ugin doesn't ruin our gameplane (more on the wishboard in a bit).

On turn three we run four copies of the decks namesake; Lurrus of the Dream Den. Lurrus *can* be hard to cast on turn three due to the fact that we are running blue as well as black, but we rarely want to cast it on turn three anyway. We will use Lurrus to constantly recur frogify, Eidolon and our removal enchantments. We run three copies of demonic embrace and our main target for this card are Hateful Eidolon, because it has lifelink, is shockproof with its three toughness (once the enchantment is on), and if it does get removed, we don't lose any card advantage. Muderous rider is also nice because it's shockproof and has lifelink. Brazen borrower is another target because a 6/2 flying beatstick really puts the pressure on our opponent. Last but certainly not least we run four copies of Thirst for Meaning for some extra card draw, and to dig for what we need the most for the situation. We have plenty of enchantments in this deck and don't mind discarding one because we can easily recure them with Lurrus, so the card normally reads 'draw two cards for three mana'.

Our wishboard contains the ever important spyglass to ruin Ugin ramp, a few sweepers, a few counters, a few copies of Ashiok, and of course, our own copy of Ugin.

*I did have to edit this deck to stay competitive at higher levels of rank, and edited the deck guide to reflect the change*

Thanks for checking out my deck and my deck guide. I believe this deck is very competitive in BO1, and if you like it, check out my other decks as a truly believe I have something for everyone. If I don't have something that fits your playstyle challenge me to create something for you. If there is a card, cards, or general deck theme you'd like to see in action, please do not hesitate to ask me, as I'd love to brew it up for you. I'm super excited to bring y'all some fresh brews with the new set release right around the corner. Thank you all for all the support I've received since I began posting decks, and know that I'm not going anywhere. Of course, as always, good luck my friends!




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It's a pretty fun and unique play on a popular archetype, if you like my brews, follow me so you don't miss any. And of course, if there's a card(s) that you'd like to see a deck built around I'd be more than happy to brew something special up just for you. Again, thanks for the love!
I shall give it a whirl, thanks for the brew
Last Updated: 20 Sep 2020
Created: 14 Sep 2020
1442 679 2

Mainboard - 60 cards (15 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (22)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
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